You cannot leave group chats
1 year ago
Somerset, England

So, I have created a group chat with the CEO of Elo, @Lawliepop, so that she cannot even leave😈

So far, she hasn't said anything.

  • You cannot change its name
  • You cannot leave
  • You cannot add or remove users
  • You cannot create a separate chat with the same users
  • They break easily if you send messages that are too long (screenshot)
  • The text formats, but most of the markdown options break the text. For example, try sending a header or a code block (screenshot)
  • You cannot add new lines

The above all should be added/fixed

jackzfiml, Act_ und 5 Andere gefÀllt das.
United States


Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
jackzfiml, CyanWes und 2 Andere gefÀllt das.
North Carolina, USA


jackzfiml, CyanWes und 2 Andere gefÀllt das.