idea for the "ressources" section in the different games
9 years ago

Hello, I programmed a special splitter for a certain category on my speedgame, and wanted to make it accessible for new runners in this game. and then I realized that there is no possibility for a normal user to request things in there. So you would have to contact a mod of the game to add it. Pretty unnecessary in my opinion. In my case I have the luck that one of the mods is a good friend of mine, so adding it wasn't really a problem.

But I think that this missing function probably leads to a dead resources section on most games... (correct me if I am wrong, but it just feels like this for me at the moment)

Having a similar request form as the one for submitting runs should would just make it more feel like the community wants you to do good things to the game. Cutting out the direct possibilities for normal runners to change/submit stuff makes it more feel like they are not even allowed to add things in there.

So, yeah... I think this would be a good addition for the whole system. Is there any reason why it is like it is at the moment?

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