My Amazing Night last night.
8 years ago
Ohio, USA

Sounds like you had a pretty great night ^^ Happy for you

I haven't had a night nearly as great as that because no one loves me.

xDrHellx gefällt das.
British Columbia, Canada

how does one become as based as you, Racingmonster?

Goodigo gefällt das.

lying that you are from north korea might have played a role in it Kappa


That you had a good night. (it was a joke in case you didnt get it (y) )

Bearbeitet von der Autor 8 years ago

Speedrun profile: North Korea? Real life: Somewhere else? In case you showed your profile

Gelderland, Netherlands

Ofcourse kim jong un speedruns. He is the world record holder in OoT, SM64 and Pokemon Red to name a few games OpieOP He just cant be bothered to put his times on some leaderboard, he has a country to run

In all seriousness though, congrats dude. Sounds like you had an amazing time :3

Goodigo gefällt das.