What are some old/obscure adventure games that people would like to see run?
4 years ago
United States

I love point-and-clicks and I'd like to stream games people would enjoy watching. I have the record in some games but as there's really no competition I'm not really motivated to revisit them.

What kinda old adventure games would you like to see speedran?


I watched some of the space quest adventures (as I played some of those games many years ago). Also the Indiana Jones games are some classics to play: https://www.speedrun.com/space_quest https://www.speedrun.com/indianajonesseries

United States

If you like point-and-click games, I recommend the Humongous Games such as Putt-Putt, Pajama Sam, and Freddi Fish.

North Carolina, USA

I would love to see more people speedrun Buffy the Vampire Slayer on original Xbox. I'm currently the only speedrunner for it sadly 😱

United States

Completely forgot about this topic - thanks so much for the suggestions, everyone! I went ahead and did a run of Noctropolis, but I can still look at some other games to do as well.

@happycamper_ I used to have the record for LSL, which is the Sierra series I'm most familiar with. I don't know the others so well but I'd be down for checking them out sometime.

@mynameisAndy I'd love to check out the Humongous games! I never played them before but they look like a lot of fun.