hi i am very new i want to submit a game that isnt on the list
9 years ago
Alabama, USA

hi im new i would like to speedrun one piece pirate warriors 2 i am verynew to speedrunning so im not sure where to start idont how to submit or anything also im doing it on a ps3 should i record it with a camera also pirate warriors 2 is not on thelist so just tell me if i cant also doi have to upload a video of a speedrun to somewhere and how would i record it on the ps3 if you could take some time to answer questions i would be grateful im only 15 so im sorta a noob also if there any special rules for the game like most of my characters are leveled pretty high do ineed to restart to level one thank you very much for taking the time to read this

French Southern Territories

Click on Games > Request a Game Was it THAT hard seriously ? It's here : http://www.speedrun.com/requestgame Submit the form and wait for an admin to answer you. Then you'll need to set up your game page CORRECTLY like categories and rules.

Edit : I didn't notice the other questions at first seen because you don't seem to add questions marks and punctuation and to add paragraphs and stuffs. "should i record it with a camera" You can make your own rules and ask for any proof like screenshot or video. "do ineed to restart to level one" You can make your own rules (not restarting the game is often the NewGame+ category) " doi have to upload a video of a speedrun to somewhere" Yes YouTube " how would i record it on the ps3" You should get a capture card like an Elgato.

Alabama, USA

im sorry :( if you dont mind me asking what kind of recording should i use my tv is high up off the ground wait there are capture cards for ps3 :o

French Southern Territories

I am not an expert in capture cards, but I think you should get an Elgato or any other device;or you could like take a camera and record your TV (cheaper).

Alabama, USA

oh ok that sounds easier thank you so much man sorry for being frustrating

French Southern Territories

It's ok, but try to organize your text. I mean your first post is literaly flawless words without organization. A sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a point (unless it's a poem) and usually you add comma. It can seem weird for you, but english isn't my native language and I literaly have to take 5 minutes to try to understand what you meant and where you sentence starts and where it ends. Everyone does mistakes, I do, you do, everyone. Just try to publish something that is readable.


" if you dont mind me asking what kind of recording should i use my tv is high up off the ground "

I'm aware this is incredibly mean but holy shit post of the year of all years I'm losing my shit laughing at this.

xDrHellx, jongyon7192p und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Alabama, USA

sweet jesus succintandpunchy you're right that was the stupidest question i have ever asked XD

He/Him, They/Them
9 years ago

FYI, recording your TV with a camera was something I've only heard of in the old era of LPing. That and recording with the Unregistered Hypercam logo pasted through the video.

And PLEASE start your sentence with a capital letter. Please. You're doing everyone a disservice by having them try to read it.

North Carolina, USA

Recording a screen with a camera isn't bad if they set it up right. There's still big time streamers who use a camera on their TV. I use a cpature card for my home consoles, but use a HD Webcam on my 3DS top screen when streaming Pokemon Battles. Just make sure your setup works for it so it still looks quality. I would use a small Amazon Prime box to hold my clip-on HD Webcam while having my 3DS at a 90 degree angle on a book. LOL

Just be smart about it.

PackSciences gefällt das.
Alabama, USA

Sorry man i'm only 15 and my computer is literally a tablet. I got through almost 1 hour of speedrunning Tekken tag tournament i was doing really well.Only 4 more characters to unlock then it says i didn't have enough space and cut the video off.By the way my "computer" has 24GB of space and plus all i have is 10$

Ontario, Canada

I would say just practice running the game(s) for now until you can actual invest into equipment to record if that's something you wish to do at a later date. You don't need to record everything from day 1, just start playing the game(s) and get better at them first. Running the game is more important then the other stuff that can optionally follow it.

And like BlueInfinity has said people have always found ways when they are limited if they really wanna do something, just focus on what you want to be doing first and foremost. Should always be practicing / running the game(s).