7 years ago
Maine, USA

how do you reset your game for ng+ runs


Do you mean NG? NG+ is for completed save files like having all the power ups and all that


To reset though like have a fresh file go to your local disk (C:), program files, steam, steamapps, common, deadcore, then I'm not sure which of the sequence of numbers is the current save but you can either move them to your desktop to back them up or something or just delete it altogether if you want to start new

Pays de la Loire, France

@Echo off cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DeadCore\765¤¤¤¤¤¤¤2595583 del exit

Save this in to "YOURFILENAME.bat" If your game is install to another hard drive add "cd /d D:" (for exemple) after @Echo off.

Pays de la Loire, France

There is another solution created by "MrStandalone" which has changed the "Assembly-CSharp.dll" file simply press F3 to reset the save " and a lot of other things like pluggins management.

But it seems that it is deleting the file from its GitHub ( I will be able to send you the file once I have its authorization (or that it does him himself).

Edit : It seems that it is doing a file updated but I did not have time to look at it.

Tron_Javolta gefällt das.
Maine, USA

yes i meant NG thank you both

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