Is this game still moderated?
1 year ago

I've noticed there are no new run so I'll just ask if there is still a mod doing that

bigbob40 gefällt das.
Alabama, USA

I know there was like a year ago. I had to message them though.


I currently have 7 awaiting submissions but oh man was it a pain to verify most of the submitted runs so far. So many of them have the shittiest quality, some just paused their run at the middle for no reason, which of course makes the run invalid, etc. Much, much more rejected runs than accepted runs, and those who got their runs rejected kept on submitting shitty runs as well.

I'm willing to give the torch to somebody else at this point

Alabama, USA

i could also do it

Dr_Mario gefällt das.

Go for it Drew but if you do then please add a category were you're not allowed to spam punch and actually try you know xD (makes me feel more like a boxer haha)

VintageValiant gefällt das.
Alabama, USA

Yea I’d do that if Wak lets me. I think I’d be a good mod


So everyone: I'm voting for Drew haha

ADrew06 gefällt das.


You need to enable email authentication for me to get you moderator. Go to your settings and enable "require email authentication".


A friendly reminder of some of the submitting rules, as you will need them:

  • Audio and video quality must be half decent.

  • As of right now we are not allowed to pause the run mid-game, even because of a game crash. This prevents abuses from runners, as the runs are fairly challenging cardio-wise, pausing is an unfair advantage to any players as they can catch their breath. If we are to allow pauses in the middle of a run, we might as well just allow segmented runs, and leave single-segment runs without pausing.

Another problem I ran through and never bothered solving is the duration of loadings. There is a significant difference in loading times throughout the runs that have been submitted, and I suspect M2s saves an absurd amount of time over SSDs and even more over HDDs. It would be interesting to request this information to submitters.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
Alabama, USA

Ok I did

Alabama, USA

And I’ll consider all those points with submissions


Cool you're a mod now :) oh btw how should I call you, just Drew or ADrew?

United States

change the rules to allow crashes it is impossible to do a full run without crashing and it takes less than 1 minute to get back to where you was before


If it crashes then you have an connection Problem with your headset it has never happened to me before lilbigbob


Also, the problem is not the crash, the problem is pausing your timer while running.

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