New Category: Master Sword RTA
7 years ago
United States

i routed this category (albeit for no amiibo/dlc); it involves 36 shrines and doing the vah medoh dungeon. a Pretty Fun Run imo. if you're interested, the first draft of a route/"guide" i wrote up is here - on the doc you'll find links to my run as well, in case you want to See the route; though you can also check the src leaderboards once my submission here is verified

alumni gefällt das.
United States

Tip with "The Biggest Piece of Shit": You can skip the second scoop puzzle (I don't know if you did that in your run, I haven't had time to watch the video) and it is pretty easy to do. Due to the title and the description of the shrine, I'll assume you don't know about that yet. (Can't link the YouTube video now)

coynelaundry gefällt das.