Snake Way sub 4 possible?
6 years ago

Now it’s not something I’ve looked at in depth yet but Tyler’s recent 4:21 with SSB Vegeta just raises some curious questions as he states Sub 4 might be possible and it got me thinking!

With current strategies and perfect AI RNG and player skill can we possibly get Sub 4 without doing anything different? We easily have 10-15 seconds to cut off from the run at this point but with the RNG of how the AI behaves will we see a perfect run?And will a perfect run with current strategies allow for a sub 4 or will we be in a situation like many combo challenges where we can only get fractions away from it but unable to achieve it.

Part of me believes Sub 4 is possible with everything on your side but the reality of getting a run so perfect and clutching it out yourself seems like something I don’t think we will see for quite some time.

We will see it one day I believe and it may be quite possibly the best Snake Way run we will ever see, however DLC is on its way and may make sub 4 less of a pipe dream and more of an obtainable reality what do you guys think? Are you up to the grind of getting sub 4 or do you think the time is already tough to lower?

I believe that no matter how well a run goes from my own level of play I find the barrier to breaking WRs is simply the AI finding ways to slow me down and that’s why I feel the time no longer depends on team setups and combos we use but more on manipulating AI behaviour

Edited by the author 6 years ago

While I agree that sub 4 would be based on getting the AI to behave, I still think we have a bit more ways to squeeze out time in general.

For example, for Adult Gohan I've started to do 2M M jump M H as my combo. This small change of removing all the L from my combo has made the timer end on 291 instead of 288ish for the first character kill.

The problem with this, is the last fight can result in much blocking and losing time not getting a hit. Worst result being combo'd for half your life cause of the damage change.

So we still can find ways to improve in both our combo strat and our AI strats. For team strat, it looks like just fast character lead with 16 in the back. I'm pretty sure Vegeta Blue hits the same / similar time doing the above combo as well.

Granted maybe I'm crazy and 292 is normal but I dunno seems like it's an improvement.

Oh also inb4 PC player gets sub 4 due to load times xD

Edited by the author 6 years ago

I assume the air heavy doesn't give you a hard knock down because that always seemed like a big time loss. Gohan is definitely the hardest hitting character in the game for sure but the god characters are not far behind by any means, i'm curious if maybe Rose or Beerus have potential as their damage numbers are on par with God Vegeta too.

As for load times on PC are not actually that improved from console from what i'm told and realistically I've thought if it makes a huge difference whether or not we should do something about that, from playing Xenoverse 2 I had great times on Xbox but when switching to PC my times shot up and it almost felt unfair to those who can't compete on PC, but the big thing about PC is the fact you can increase the FPS which made alot of animations faster and various things but on DBFZ it's locked to 60 on PC as it is on console so as far as that goes it's on an even ground.

Sub 4 is possible for sure but fight 1 is something we've pretty much perfected, a 290 on Goku now is a good time and a 291 would be near perfect in terms of the limits of the game or at least our strategies, however even with us perfecting fight 1 we've got maybe 4-6 seconds to save on that fight and that's generous, the later fights do attempt more "fuckery" though and try to block more or attack more or will just move past the player instead of landing conveniently in front of them so I really believe atm alot of the time that can be saved to achieve Sub 4 is in the AI and not the player, the player CAN also improve strategies but I personally don't believe we can do much more atm to improve 22 seconds off the time without AI being incredibly fair to the player.

Like I said maybe trying other god tier characters might be the solution of perhaps DLC will be the answer to the problem other than that I can see the run becoming more RNG based and therefore better times taking longer to improve not due to the player but due to the game itself.

Still it is early days and I could easily look back at this post when we somehow achieve 3:50 or something crazier!

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Ontario, Canada

At one point Sub 5 was somewhat a challenge. I think in the next month we will get down to about a 4:05 if we actually grind for it. And if we only played Snake Way only I bet one of us would get Sub 4. There is always those last few seconds to save in every speedrun so we will see when we get to that point.

ZigZagGamer likes this

Well I see you just got a 4:12 Tyler which is another time drop and it’s quite an impressive jump at this point I haven’t watched the run yet but I see it on my YouTube sub box, I look forward to understand what happened here


So randomly started trying Beerus and got 4:12 as well, really liking his 2M, fast and slides him hella far to catch the cpu when they land. Not saying he's betting than Gohan or Vegeta but, was a fun suggestion :D

As for the combo, no it does not hard knockdown so you can go back into it almost as soon as you hit the ground and it pretty much can work with any character unless they have weird normals.

ZigZagGamer likes this
Ontario, Canada

looks fast. I feel like you lost more than 12 seconds from getting hit. Might try Beerus out as well.

GingerSocrates likes this

I just watched your guys runs and damn I gotta say Tyler you had clean pressure on your run but the Kid Buu you made a mistake and lost a fair chunk of time chasing him.

But I’m actually surprised at the beerus run from ginger it looks really fast

GingerSocrates likes this
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