Special Weapon Notes
Special Weapon Notes
Updated 7 years ago by CarcinogenSDA

Credit: TheMixedHerb

Explosive Arrows are just standard grenades with a longer reach. Very useful.

BOW Gas grenades (which contain the P-Epsilon BOW Gas from RE2) deplete a monster's HP by 1/2 every time you fire. It was previously thought that BOW gas was useless, because every other numbskull that has tried them has only tried to use BOW Gas alone. Only 3 exist in the whole game, in the hallway with the metal detectors. Currently, testing whether it is worth it to go out of the way for BOW Gas at all.

-Tyrant (Plane): 0 BOW gas, 24 Explosive Arrows. 1 BOW gas, 12 Explosive Arrows. 2 BOW gas, 6 Explosive Arrows. 3 BOW gas, 2 Acid. 6 Acid, 8 Explosive

-Nosferatu: Sniper/Knife

-Giant Worm: 0 BOW gas, 4 Explosive Arrows

-Alexia 1: 3 Standard Grenades

-Alexia 2: 14 Explosive Arrows