Retired Categories
3 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

In the event a category is deemed "dead", we can remove it so there is more room for more interesting categories. We are retiring our first two today, with the first being "New Year's Doll". We are choosing to remove this because Hipster Whale actually removed this character from the game, so you would need an older version to play it. Also, no one plays it anymore. So the rankings for this stand as: k200 - 6.58 () Dare - 6.94 () Otterstone_Gamer - 7.83 () ENOOPS - 10.71 ()

We are also retiring "Fastest Goal". The standings for that was: k200 - 2.233 () Dare - 3.250 ()

If you run these categories and want to be on this list, please message me. Thanks.

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