Emulators on Xbox
2 years ago


I’ve recently acquired an Xbox that has been soft modded, and brother bear is on the console with the use of a GBA emulator, obviously if I was to run the game, I would show evidence of me selecting the game etc as I do it all live.

The emulator in question is called XboyAdvance

Would this be allowed?


I'm not a mod here so it's just my opinion, but it's not like speedruning this game is competitive or anything so you should be free to play on whatever software you want. You should just write it down below your run that you played on xboxAdvance I'm always happy to see more runners of this game so welcome !

TheLouieCopeland likes this
New York City, NY, USA

I also don't foresee any issue? Though, for what it's worth, emulation via mGBA is probably going to be more convenient if you intend to practice and make use of save states for particular levels.

Would definitely like a mod's opinion as well.

TheLouieCopeland likes this

Thanks for the replies, I’m looking forward to running this!