Informations about review phase.
1 month ago

Hello, as you know, the reviewing aspect takes a long time. Not because there is a lot to watch but due to busyness. And in reality, it's way easier for me, to schedule a moment when I review every runs you do and not 1 by 1.

-> As a result, and to avoid multiples spam message. I will be clear now on things.

Except if I do have extra time to make some review, there will be only 1 scheduled review phase per month. Those review moment will be at the end of each month. So if you submit in the beginning of a month, and don't get validated after a lot of days, don't worry.

Also, if you want to message me up about the reviews (because also sometimes I do mistakes), go dm me on Discord. (my Discord account to dm me is available on my page) However due to the amount of messages I receive, please in your message, precise it's related to A8 Speedrun. (I don't want to delete message out when it was supposed to be important LMAO)

Like I said on Discord, IF the situation doesn't change for me and regarding the other verifiers, I will be recruiting a new verifier.


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1st December 2020 v1.1 Page Update:

  • New Full-Game Leaderboards : Add Legacy Leaderboard : Every Run From 1st December are gonna stay in "classic" leaderboard. All others are gonna be added In Legacy Categories. (which are gonna be in Misc.)

  • Complete Rules : Precise rules for every categories

2 years ago