I don't understand what counts for "screen manipulation"
3 years ago
Kentucky, USA

The first time it was rejected because of it was because i accidentally tabbed out in the middle of the run. Understandable. Now this run was flagged for it and i have no idea why. Why is this screen manipulation?

Charlotte, NC, USA

It looks very sus tbh. Looks a little sped up imo, and the sides of the screen are........edited in it looks like. Idk man, what category did you submit it to?

Kentucky, USA

@CounterSole66 I submitted it to Any%. I don't understand the screen sides. I am using the emulator package given in the resources tab. is it because there is no sound? I have a verified run in this category and everythings was the same so I don't understand.

Kentucky, USA

How could i prove it isnt sped up lol

North Carolina, USA

Screen manipulation includes anything that stretches the screen to reveal things that are not supposed to be seen. You are playing the game in full screen, so things that are out of bounds are seen, which is not allowed. If you do not play the game In full screen, then the run should be valid. (I didn’t watch the full run so I don’t know if there are any other problems.)

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Charlotte, NC, USA

Oh ok, I don't have the emulator, so I don't know exactly what it's supposed to look like. One of the mods should give you a response soon.

North Carolina, USA

I’m positive your run was rejected for screen manipulation.

Kentucky, USA

@Sabi2798 so how can i get it to go in normal because this is the official emulator im using. and my other run had it stretched like this so im confused on if each mod has different standards or?

Charlotte, NC, USA

I don't think all of the mods are on the same page on runs that should be verified, but I'm sure they're doing their best to work things out.

North Carolina, USA

@Catcher I’m unsure how you got a run verified with screen manipulation, that’s a pretty agreed upon disqualification for a run. To get future runs verified, just don’t run the emulator in full screen. If you see any part of the screen that is out of bounds it can be rejected.

Kentucky, USA

@Sabi2798 so how do i run it in normal screem

Connecticut, USA

Don't run in fullscreen, and if you extend the window out make sure the dimensions of the window match all the other runs.

Colorado, USA

How can you be sure that existing runs don't abuse this anyway? I'm certain it'd be fairly easy to crop out the parts you shouldn't be seeing on OBS. How is this being enforced without displaying the window border?

f1 likes this
Connecticut, USA

I mean there's no real way to tell for certain, but the only major benefits you'd get from doing that which you could try to hide would be in jump/swim where you could be able to tell where an obstacle is beforehand, but even if you did abuse this, with a sharp enough eye you could kinda tell if someone knows where all the obstacles are because it'd be difficult not to telegraph that you know where stuff ahead of time

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