New Mod/Updates
3 months ago

Hello world. I am your new mod for Amped Up.

My first action as mod was to reverse the times back to normal so that the fastest time is in first place! Feels good, doesn't it! I'm not going to change much, but certainly that needed to be changed. The slowest time should not get first place tee hee hee.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Fixing the times:

As previously stated, people have complained about the loading times etc. Some of the categories have in game time and some don't.

SOLUTION: Full cup runs will use livesplit etc. Single track runs will use in game time. LOADING TIME REMOVED WILL NOT BE USED.

P.S I WILL BE RETIMING ALL OBSOLETE RUNS. No one will have their time removed.

Edited by the author 3 months ago
North Korea

Hello, Avriix here, first speedran this back in 2021, can't now due to complications of trying to get the hack to work on PJ64 1.6. Nice seeing a new mod for the game, gonna miss Yoshiabel though.

Edited by the author 3 months ago
secretgorilla likes this

I can answer almost any question about playing the actual game [except where to get MK64 ROMs]. @Yoshiabel wasn't even here by the time I started running Amped Up and applied for mod status. They are free to re-moderate if they want.