RimWorld version 1.1
4 years ago
Uusimaa, Finland

The RimWorld release cycle has been slower since 1.0 was released, but an announcement was just made at [[ https://ludeon.com/blog/2020/02/rimworld-1-1-available-on-unstable-steam-branch/ ]] about RimWorld version 1.1, which is currently available for beta testing.

It incorporates many usability changes, some tunings, and a heap of fixes. I added a new value for the version number variable, 1.1, but for now, unless a reason arises to do differently, we judge these runs in the same listing as 1.0 runs.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Illinois, USA

I was waiting till I had a chance to play around with the game some. the game is different. ... with or without royalty. the additional units in the game change everything in anything other than peaceful. the new traits on units and various bug fixes change the game fundamentally.

In short i think 1.1 and 1.0 really are close but they are different.

Royalty is fundamentally different with the psychic components of the game they added. Royalty is treated like a mod, you can uncheck it in mods. Turning it off seems necessary.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Illinois, USA

the more i play, the more certain i am. the scores in 1.0 and prior should not be compared with 1.1 ... the changes are way to significant grand statues cost more. they have a tortured artist trait now for creative inspiration (wondrous room). mechs have longer range than sniper rifles (anything on merciless) and (though i think it's a bug) nimble guys will not hit a trap... ever. the value of components, even when damaged doesn't change. some weapons are biocoded so you can't sell them or use them. in short you can't play the game the way you used to.

some of the peaceful runs might be similar to the old . but i think it would be a mistake to try and split hairs and make some runs carry over and others not.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
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