1 year ago

Any chance for trials categories, one for each character and control type? For example, I have a run for Classic Guile.


there is already categorys for trials check the IL section of the board


Oh I see it now. I was kinda hoping the trials would be combined since I did it that way. Would splitting up my run be ok?


if in the notes it has a clear time of when each run starts and finishes and if its a youtube video its clearly timestamped it should be fine


Yo @RyuHousen , saw you posted a few already but for clarity sake, we also don't have a problem with combined character run VoDs even if the submission is for a single character; as NintenLew described as long as there is a timestamp for the intended verification points that's perfectly acceptable to us! We don't want to force people to go through making seperate videos for every single character on principal because that would just be a tedious task for everyone involved. Hope that helps!


Missing E.Honda in trial for some reason.