Categories and difficulties etc
5 months ago
Århus, Denmark


I thought a thread where people can discuss the categories and their rules would be nice to have. I've added Any% and 100% with difficulty just as a note. The reason for this is because you can change it dynamically, and it could potentially be used strategically within a run, if it turns out to save time somewhere (not that I expect that it will). Also, having the leaderboard split up into too many categories and subcategories is not so ideal if the community is small and doesn't have a lot of runs. If people would like to have the difficulties as separate subcategories, then please let's discuss it here, and we can add it. :)

I winged the 100% category a lot because I haven't completed 100% myself and most likely won't, so if you know more about what should be the criteria for that, then please do let us know here!

Some tricks in Any% are very hard and perhaps someone would like a glitchless category or a "No major skips" category. If so, shoot a message here. :)

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Well, as for most games, I think the (basic) categories should be :

Any% Any% Glitchless

100% 100% Glitchless

We had some discussions with others to know if we should authorise Save / Quit (as fast travel back to center base), because the loading time can vary a lot between configurations.

And idk if it's better to forbid it, or make it a category by itself.

Århus, Denmark

We can add the glitchless categories as well, no problem.

As for save/quit, I think it would be silly to ban that, especially for any%. Imo it's a basic mechanic of the game and a lot of other games use similar techniques. The loading differences is a problem amongst most PC games. I can just make a load remover for Livesplit and that issue should be fixed.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Ah, with a load remover that's fine then yeah

Århus, Denmark

Cool. I'll get one going ASAP. :) Will you be submitting runs btw? @Ykario

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

I'll try to, yep !

Mazowieckie, Poland
Super moderatorolus2000
He/Him, She/Her
5 months ago

Reposting from discord: I propose the following low% ruleset:

  1. Beat the game with 10.09% completion
  2. After beating the game in the same recording you must:
  • Rescue the shopkeeper
  • Buy the Ancient Astrolabe
  • Get the map fragment for starting area to show the completion percentage

Percent breakdown:

  • 2 cubes, 1 skull, 1 map and 1 friend in starting area
  • 1 cube and 1 skull in corruption
  • 1 cube and 1 skull in beach
  • 1 skull in sunken city
  • 1 dark crystal in graveyard

In total 1201/11904 ≈ 10.09% Otherwise rules as in any%.

Zookster and pr0te like this

Just bought the game yesterday and also completed it to 100%. It's a lot for a run so maybe EVENTUALLY people like myself will run it

United States

hey everyone! I was wondering if we could add another category to run: Friend%

The goal would be to rescue all 10 shipling friends (not including the unchosen). Time would end when the 10th shipling is freed from their crystal. I just think it'd be nice to have a category that isn't full game and see what strats come from not having to do bosses.

If any of you have any thoughts I'd love to hear them