Cannot get the autosplitter to work with PC version of RE1
2 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

Hey yall,

I've been trying to get the autosplitter working for RE1 PC, but no matter what I try, it just doesn't start or split. I currently have the autosplitter activated, comparing against game time, but it won't start at the first cutscene and if I manually start it, it will not split the doors/actions. I am using the split that was provided in the resource section.

Is there anything that I could be missing? Thanks in advance!

Edit: The category that I'm running is Jill Any% NMG

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

Try using the Jill Any% splits found in "New Splits for RE1 and RE1CE" by Shiido under the Resources tab here on SRC along with the built in autosplitter from Livesplit. Again make sure everything is set to game time, including the Timing Method in the Timer tab, the Timing Methods for +/- and Time columns found in the Splits Tab, and you have compare against set to game time. the timer and splits tabs are found under Edit Layout. ALso make sure you don't have an autosplitter in your layout as well as using the autosplitter in the edit splits tab, they'll make it so you'll end up splitting multiple times. If you have any more issues let us know and I'll see if I can help you out more. :)

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