Category request for Non-DLC campaign run
9 years ago
United States

Similar to Left 4 Dead 2, a category that completes each campaign excluding DLCs would be appreciated, as it makes more sense from an any% perspective.

flicky added this category earlier today. It's been listed under "misc categories", so as to avoid clutter. Looking forward to any new runs for it!

United States

Yeah, I saw that right after I posted this. Although I don't really think it should be classified as "miscellaneous".

United States

Also, the rules say "without" loading screens, when loading screens are accounted for in the runs.

Preferred way to time it is to use demos (for any category), since there's no hardware dependence then. The old 4p co-op run of all campaigns was added as RTA because we had no demos for the whole thing. Any new submission should use demo timing, if possible, though.

United States

if that's the case, it might be better to add an in-game time option as well as an RTA option to differentiate between which runs are timed which way.

Also, instead of a new thread, I'll ask this here. Any chance of adding Expert categories?


Hey there, The category is under "misc." for the moment because of different things :

  • what are the rules ? Are you playing on 1.0 ? Are you alowing the fact that the bots are insta-killed at the begining ? (the other guy runing this category uses this trick) How do you go from one campaign to another ? (you quit the game when the cinematic strats and launch the other map from the lobby when Hakha seem to use a command to go directly to the other campaign)

  • what are the timing method ? We could put an RTA option but it will be quite unfair for ppl that have long loading screens. I guess that until there are more runners we can afford that and i'll just delete the "without loading screens" in the rules.

But if we get a clear description of what we are runing i'm not against the fact to put this category as a real one. By the way I think that this category should be coherent with the "all campaign"

Of course if someone strats to run expert categories we'll add that on the leaderboard. We could put a "difficulty" option that could be "any" or "expert", "realism expert" or whatether.

United States

Well, I'm basically running exactly what the Left 4 Dead 2 Main Campaigns category entails, but instead in L4D1. I'd prefer not having bot-kick console commands, as I believe changing to expert to kill them is more legitimate. Changing campaigns doesn't really matter, in L4D2 I used a callvote command as I entered the rescue vehicle to avoid the main menu, because it crashes in that version of the game, but it's risky (might switch campaigns before rescue etc), but either doesn't seem to matter. As for timing, I start the timer on control gain, and end it as the final cutscene begins using RTA, but I wouldn't be opposed to re-timing without loads (demo-time).

p1xelfart likes this
Virginia, USA

The rules Cyber stated for this category seem fine to me, for the most part. I'd like to see about setting the record straight, though, so that any future runs all abide by the same rules. I think we should all decide them as a whole, if Hakha is still alive and can put in their input, that is. I'd like to see this as a main category some day.

-Played on v1.0. -Kicking/killing the bots via developer's console should not be allowed. -Use of the changelevel/map command should not be allowed. -Timed via RTA, timer starts on control gain, ends on final finale cutscene. -Death Toll 3 vocalization crescendo skip is allowed.

Some thoughts:

-Why allow the vocalization skip, but not the changelevel command? The default vocalization commands can be activated by using the Z and X keys and are activated solely by the client. The changelevel command is not directly accessible via a menu other than the dev console, and is generally activated by the server during casual play, not by the client. (IIRC) Vocalizations can only be customized by use of add-ons or console binds, but the command itself is still directly accessible at all times, as opposed to the changelevel command. The only reason the changelevel command is allowed for L4D2 is because returning to the main menu on early versions of the game causes it to crash.

EDIT: The changelevel command is triggered by voting, I don't know what I was thinking. Regardless, I still think it should be banned.

-Why RTA time instead of demo time? Setting up a bind for each campaign, remembering to hit it, hitting it as close to the first frame as you can, remembering to stop the recording, and the fact that initiating a recording has a slim chance of hanging your game for 30+ seconds are the main reasons why I'm against demo timing, especially alongside an RTA run. RTA seems to be the way to go. This would, unfortunately, give people with faster systems a slight advantage, but there's not much to be done. Unless there are two really close runs that both have recorded demos, I don't see the point in using demo timing. I can't think of a win-win for both arguments here.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

United States

Late here, since I barely check this forum, but that sounds good, and I'd like it if this category were un-misc'd.

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Minor rule changes/clarifications

Hey everyone, some minor changes to the rules - solely to clarify things/change wording, no rules actually "changed" (at least not in any way that will be relevant to 99.9% of people):

  • The linked guide for demo recording is now in a new location on the internet ( 👀 ) and was reworked to hope
7 months ago