Rules Change Debate
6 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

eh I think its fine. they arent using controller modifications, its all just official hardware and stuff, I think its legal imo

Bogdan_mk likes this
New York City, NY, USA

i mean runners of sm64 use Gamecube and hori controllers which wouldnt have existed at the time but it is still considered legal due to the fact that youre not using any third party tool to enhance gameplay

North Macedonia

This is pretty stupid. This isn't about third party software or hacking tools, this is using two hands/styluses instead of one. Why would you ban that

North Macedonia

For the love of god, mods please don't ban this, that'd be pretty pathetic to be something because you're using two hands instead of one.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

the fact that no modifications are made to official software or hardware makes it not something I can reasonably be expected to ban. also turbo controllers are allowed if the official controller released for the game to be played on has turbo settings

New Jersey, USA

god i hate frasier

TheOnlyRandy and JoshTGR like this