主题: The Park
Maine, USAZeee1 year ago

I just recently came back to attempting speedruns of the game (PC current patch), and I've noticed a huge difference in load times when entering the haunted house. current WR has a load that's only around 5s, but my loads were anywhere from 10s up to almost 14s. Personally I think with this we should add loads removed as a timing method, so PC players are only competing against pure gameplay rather than load rng and hardware advantages.

Frightmare 喜欢这个
Maine, USAZeee2 years ago

Imo if it wasn't for two of the crystal ball puzzles I'd just run with no hints/skips, but God those two in particular make me wanna die. The plinko ball dropper is the worst thing in the world, and the fat people eating shit is less aids but still suicide inducing

Maine, USAZeee2 years ago

Awesome. I just got a shitty 1:05 using this, so I wanted to be sure. I did get a 1:39 before doing this, but was still too shit to upload :P

Maine, USAZeee2 years ago

I was just wondering if I am allowed to use the hotline in runs to be able to skip puzzles. I see no reason why it wouldn't be allowed as it is a feature in the game that does punish you for using it with a time penalty.

Maine, USAZeee2 years ago

Yea the time start had to change because of how difficult it was to spot the exact frame you start walking. It also made very little sense to not start timing from the actual start of the game (being the first input in the menu).

Through a bunch of testing it was discovered that there's a loading glitch that can occur if you quit out of a level during any dialogue in game and try to start the prologue specifically.

With all this it made the most sense to have RTA timing start from New Game", and IGT being the first frame the starting dialogue appears.

Maine, USAZeee2 years ago

A discord server would be sick. Just started getting back into this game after years of forgetting about it

主题: The Park
Maine, USAZeee4 years ago

Fixed the timing start to when you first gain control, for current patch

主题: The Park
Maine, USAZeee4 years ago

There. Added a new category. There is now old patch and new patch

主题: The Park
Maine, USAZeee4 years ago

If there is a way to downpatch the game I don't see a need for it, But I'm not against making a new category for current patch

主题: The Park
Maine, USAZeee4 years ago

As long as you rode the ride you can leave it in that instance

Frightmare 喜欢这个
主题: Action Henk
Maine, USAZeee4 years ago

I'm not sure about the Ultime Decathlon, but the main timing method for any speedrun category in Henk starts on the main menu. I don't see anything on that site about the run starting when you enter Hello World.

主题: Destiny
Maine, USAZeee5 years ago
Maine, USAZeee5 years ago

Level leaderboards for this game wouldn't be handled in the same way most games handle it due to that point you brought up. The way I've looked at implementing some form of IL's would be route runs. For example with Chum World you the only reason you enter there in the first place is so you can get enough jellies to enter Goo Lagoon. You don't NEED to do anything else in there until much later in the game progression. So my idea of how that level would be handled is by getting the required jellies, and the tiles that would normally be grabbed until after you leave. the main issue that shows up then is that there are currently two drastically different CW routes that get used depending on if you do the coin tile skip or not. Jellyfish Fields is the only IL i can see being run as a straight IL, since it is a very complex level with a lot of really cool tricks. However we would normally grab more jellies then needed to advance in the story, so we would either make the category only get enough to unlock the reef blower or require the amount grabbed during an any% run to be obtained in the level.

Either way it gets handled IL's will be messy to deal with, so the likelihood of any IL's besides Bikini Bottom, Treedome, Jellyfish Fields, Goo Lagoon, or Graveyard being added will likely not happen.

主题: Destiny 2
Maine, USAZeee5 years ago

There is a runner in the community who goes by the username "Munch", so no one picked up on that as it didn't seem out of the ordinary. I'll bring this up to the mods in the discord

主题: The Park
Maine, USAZeee5 years ago

Without any tutorials it will have to be through trial and error, unless you can get a response from him if you comment on the video. I haven't run the game since those strats were found, so I don't know how he exactly did it.

主题: The Park
Maine, USAZeee5 years ago

If you watch the current wr video he explains at the start of the video how it works. It involves you entering the pause screen during a cutscene.

主题: Destiny 2
Maine, USAZeee5 years ago

I would say if it is not specified in the rules whether a keybind setup is allowed you should be fine as long as you don't use the keybinds for what is specifically banned, but you bring it up to the mods in the discord for further questions. I linked this thread to them in mod chat, so hopefully they should get back to you guys.

Oh also all keybinds need to be able to be setup in game

Maine, USAZeee5 years ago

I'm so happy to see people running this game again. I ran it a few years ago, but didn't have any capture software for Gamecube. When you guys release those guides I will definitely start running again on emu as this was my favorite game in the Spongebob franchise :)

FrickinBagwell 喜欢这个
Maine, USAZeee5 years ago

I literally told you you should've banned us, and you said "That would've never sent the message I wanted to send. I'm sad you still didn't receive it."

Maine, USAZeee5 years ago

"Ban me from the server for something that upsets you personally but doesn't violate any rule?"

Remember when you deleted the server because you were upset with what people said?

Brookz55 DempseyDaPro 喜欢这个
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