GermanyHau5test1 year ago

As a super Moderator i can confirm you’re good to use QT. See here for emulator settings and check out the rules if there’s any first unclear instructions.


I don’t think anyone ever used nogui and I don’t make a concern with that as we have solid rules for allowing fast speed settings as outlined in the guide linked above.

Well when it comes to mgs emulator runs specifically ;)

Plune 喜欢这个
GermanyHau5test1 year ago

you can find the Tekken forum here:


GermanyHau5test1 year ago

Due to work taking over heavily I can’t really finish the question in regards here. Either another mod can further advance the topic or I can check in during the weekend. Sorry for the delay.

GermanyHau5test1 year ago

Has anyone in this thread found any new positions? I‘m tired of this honestly. Constant back and forth, lose definitions, mods that rename categories at will just because they want to. What the hell has happened to this hobby.

I propose that the glitch to stay in control during the first cutscene as it was shown in the first post does not meet the nmg, gl or restricted nature of the category. The extended duration of a phase up into the end of the fight does not concern me personally.

If push comes to shove the supers will make a final call about this. I’m busy today so I guess I’ll let the situation rest another 24 hours and I’ll see if anything new has come to the table.

GermanyHau5test1 year ago

specifically the glitch that allows to continue to beat the ninja while he's technically in the cutscene.

GermanyHau5test1 year ago

@UzunKing so not allowed for glitchless? just making sure to not misinterpret your answer

GermanyHau5test1 year ago

current voting stats

Specifically the vote determines if the first glitch (the one that leads to us being able to move and attack the ninja while he is stuck in the cutscene with the audio playing between phase 1 and phase 2) should be allowed for the currently named glitchless category.

Not allowed for Glitchless: 10

@Hau5test @Will0H_ @Horizon @repeatzzzzz @iLL_Pazzo @VolcanicAkuma55 @flynamix @UzunKing @Twil1ght @Plywood

Allowed for Glitchless: 5

@BigguBossu @Tromboncino @dlimes13 @apachesmash @MetalGlennSolid

I'll leave the poll up for another 24 hours so people that haven't checked SRDC yet over the weekend can catch up and decide or other people that have previously voted may change their mind with latest responses. thanks for the participation so far!

GermanyHau5test1 year ago

For me personally, this is not glitchless nor "no major glitches" valid. We can attack the ninja while he is in his cutscene which is a clear and cut glitch to me.

GermanyHau5test1 year ago

Hello everyone! As you might have seen, there's a newly found method of beating the ninja by iLL_Pazzo and Tromboncino. It consists of two parts basicaly, first we skip the 2nd cutscene leading into phase 2. Then we extend the phase endlessly until the ninja's health is fully depleted to end the fight. Effectively we can now beat the Ninja without needing to wait for any cutscene or dialog. This works on both the PC (2000) version and the console/emulator versions.

here's the IL example by Pazzo: https://www.speedrun.com/mgs1/runs/zpwj3lvy

here's the initial tutorial: Now with that being said, it begs the question: is this method allowed for glitchless or not? Discuss and we'll gather your opinions wether this method should be allowed for the glitchless category or not.

Thank you

GermanyHau5test1 year ago

goofy idea, have fun setting it up. :D

GermanyHau5test1 year ago

Alright eveyone, let’s call it in.

I see the majority clearly being against this trick being allowed for all bosses (and glitchless anyway). So we‘ll update the rule on that regard and I’ll move pazzo‘s video from the wiki to the glitches section with a note that it isn’t allowed with the current ruleset.

iLL_Pazzo 喜欢这个
GermanyHau5test1 year ago

I tested for the last 2 weeks and only have one crash point (the mgs1 sequence and switching back to mgs4). Probably needs some config testing from my side but all other chapters play quite well so far. No issues outside of that. That’s why I’m pro enabling emulation via rpcs3.

I personally would like to see it split from console ps3 runs. The emu already can run the game way better and result in better times than console. That’s for full game runs. For ILs (the chapters) i don’t think it‘ll matter too much since not many do chapter runs anyway.

sirShmuckle 喜欢这个
GermanyHau5test1 year ago

Sorry for taking my sweet time to not follow up here. I’ll make one last call after everyone has shared their thoughts and will close the discussion in 24 hours.

If not made clear, either say:

No to hind IGT time save

Yes to hind IGT time save

I don’t think we have to discuss wolf 2 rank up skip it’s already been done in runs and wasn’t controversial then and only comes up now in relation to the hind. But feel free to say yes or no to that if you want, maybe my feelings about that topic is off.

My personal vote on that hind trick is no.

GermanyHau5test1 year ago

yeah clear rules of yes and no to both things is what we want now :)

主题: Metal Gear
GermanyHau5test1 year ago

I'd like to be at least informed by other mods when someone wants to clean house beforehand so we can note down any significant decisions and where they stood.

And yeah I don't see the point of deleting old threads, let them sit online for all I care.

young_sn0w PlatonicGuy 喜欢这个
GermanyHau5test1 year ago

Hi, it’s me with a quick thread to sort out an open question we as mods of MGS1 failed to clarify in the rules. In another - no deleted thread - we talked already about the timesave iLL_Pazzo found for the hind fight.

See here:

How to perform it:

  • Take the Stinger ammo box before the Hind ladder
  • Take the ladder and start the Hind fight
  • Kill the Hind WITHOUT (very important) using GME
  • When the Hind reached 0 health, just suicide
  • Take the ladder again and leave the roof
  • Go down the stairs and go to Wolf2 using GME2
  • Congratulation, you just saved 25 to 30 seconds (depending on how fast you suicide) on every category without even using GME or area reload

As far I as I understood, this was fine for runs to be done, hence why I added the video and how to the wiki for the all bosses route. Today we had new discussions regarding this topic that this strategy should be not allowed.

So, hopefully for a final time - let’s decide if it should be explicitly banned in the rules of the all bosses category (and glitchless of course as well).

My understanding was, this trick meets the rules as they stand today, deplete the bosses health bar. Even if the game thinks we didn’t finish the boss fight.

At the end we should have it cleared up and added to the rules then for a yes or no decision.

GermanyHau5test1 year ago

Hip hop hooray

GermanyHau5test1 year ago

hi @kingofthebeez we have the issue with Xenia currently, that its update tickrate is tied to miliseconds, not correct fps. so 16ms leads to slightly faster than 60fps updates and 17ms setting is around 58fps updates. so either way it won't match a flat 60fps which is the ideal case to compare it to rpcs3 and regular consoles.

It does however run way smoother.

for MGS3 we had the same issue and that led us to this weird state of having a new category, RTA timing method and time ending before credits begin. it was an attempt to revitalize the board while giving people more ways to play. now with the MC coming, this board is in question as well again. so for MGS2 here, my suggestion is to allow RPCS3 specifically and disallow xenia for clarity. RPCS3 stays IGT and gets unhidden. ultimately, if no one has an interest in doing a run on RPCS3, nothing needs to be done - but being proactive about this may help other people picking the HD version up before MC releases as warm up / practice grounds for the coming versions.

think that's all I have about that topic so far.

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