主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

So I noticed something about B1 First Impressions. Sellz, you mentioned that we usually fill that last bar of respect when the mission ends. It looks like it happens when we explore the next few areas on the way over to the last marker in the chopper.

主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Haha that's great! I'm actually hoping to get a few runs in, myself, this weekend/next week as well. I tried to do a couple runs a couple weeks back but that tornado spawn screwed me for hours.

主题: The Site
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

The respective communities for each game are still given full "control" over what's allowed and no allowed. If no emulators are allowed, there's an option to ban them from that specific game's leaderboard. Most rules set by the community can be explicitly set forth by moderators either in when runs are submitted (players won't be able to submit a run on emu without lying about it) or rules can be defined per category.

As a note, I could obviously be wrong about this but I'm pretty sure that's the case here.

主题: Speedrunning
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Idk how the PS4 works with regards to that but it doesn't look like it if you can't do longer than 15 mins. Except for, I suppose, getting a webcam or another camera to just record the screen.

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

That's a good question. Unless someone else comes by and offers up a good explanation for why it would be, I'll go ahead and put them in.

主题: The Site
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

I'd just like to say thanks, Pac, for making it as unnoticeable as possible. And please, please, please never have any plans to include pop up ads or automatically playing video (or audio) ads. They're just...the worst.

TheGlitched64 xDrHellx 喜欢这个
主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

So just a note that we'll have to keep our eyes peeled for info on SR2 (and any SR game) being backwards compatible on the xb1. It might end up being faster than the 360 or might have different glitches we can take advantage of. I'm eagerly awaiting this, especially as I'm considering getting one and even possibly selling my 360 in the process.

主题: Army Men 3D
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Actually, the site mods or admins accept game submissions ;)

But good stuff; excited to see your runs!

主题: The Site
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

If you want to add a game, you can request it under the games page of go here: http://www.speedrun.com/requestgame

EDIT: I misread the post, I think.

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Hey Bikyoshi and Rhael! I saw your post, Rhael, on the other feedback thread that mentioned you messaged me on twitch. I didn't see anything on Twitch so I didn't know you wanted mod status! I can give you both supermod if you like as well since I don't run these games, myself. I set it up because I had plans to but...never actually did.

Just let me know if you want me to make that change.

Also, if you feel up to it, since you guys run the game, you can start defining rules for the categories as well, if need be.

主题: Speedrunning
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens9 years ago

Beyond those points, as well, there's generally no other way to do it, particularly with consoles. Some autosplitters are available for some PC games but for the vast majority of games, it'll take some time to do any splitting automatically.

主题: Speedrunning
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens9 years ago

I had the same issue before I picked up my new laptop (and still sometimes, even with this) and my solution was: don't. For me, it's to be for fun anyway so it wasn't that big of a deal to me though I can see why it would be to someone else. Another solution apart from buying a new computer depends on your platform. If you're running on console, you can try a webcam instead of a game capture. If on PC, I'd say you're probably out of luck.

vaskogames55 喜欢这个
主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens9 years ago

Just finished a run with the new stuff. I did this one on PC (after correcting the speedup glitch as best I can). It's considerably different but I like the controls better, after all. My IGT was 4:22 and RTA was 4:55:54. This was not a "real" time because I paused it and restarted some missions after about the 2.5 hr mark. My game crashed and stream died so I didn't treat it like a real run after that. But it started off ATROCIOUS and got slowly better. There were some major, major flaws throughout and I know I can get this time down considerably.

主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens9 years ago

So I finished writing up some notes. My IGT was about 530 but that was a VERY slow run, replaying some things multiple times and watching some cutscenes (not sure if that counts toward time) and just kind of screwing around a little, looking for potential things we can take advantage of.

I THOUGHT I found something for Bonding Experience, because I'm pretty sure I reached the other shore with 5/6 helicopters shot down. I don't know for sure though, because I didn't notice until the last chopper and I couldn't remember if I shot one down. This was after failing the mission once before cause Pierce was a jerk and turned around so I couldn't even try to take one of them down. I tried to reproduce this but couldn't so I'm not even sure if this is something at all or if I'm just...seeing things that aren't actually things.

主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens9 years ago

Hahaha that's true on the wiretaps. I gotta start doing that. And I should really keep the taunts in mind. That's some good stuff. I'm sure I can do it during the wiretaps too then cause I kill cops during that sequence as well. I just PMed you about the notes as well.

Thank you so much for finding an early tornado. Now we just need a skip to the last mission ;)

主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens9 years ago

Holy crap, this tornado RNG is the most frustrating thing. Idk how you didn't give up in your hr and 20 mins. I almost did after 30 mins. But I think that was mostly cause I wasn't convinced I could get the tornado during the mission on the xbox. But then I did and I was satisfied again. AND it was the result of the spinning method, though it wasn't exactly spinning. I opened the door and turned around to shoot some cops and got it when i looked back. This was also not done during the countdown but before. It worked out well enough but I would have liked to get it during the countdown when I was testing that every single other time I tried :P. Anyway, it worked and I'm glad. Gonna practice some for the next week or so and then hopefully start on runs.

Also, I BARELY didn't have enough respect with 3 tags. I'm thinking we should go for the basement of the safehouse tag and the revelations tag and leave the top 2 as last ones. That way, minimal time is wasted if we have to have a 4th. And it does seem that tags would be faster here than another level of anything.

I also started making a google doc about notes on each mission to start getting some micro strats going. Right now this is a view only link but I can provide an edit link if you want. I can PM it to you through twitch if you'd like.

EDIT: link under wrong account. This is the good link now https://docs.google.com/document/d/12EMUwQitIqr78VoAWtj0w2B7n2iY7GGew0B87XLsaTM/edit?usp=sharing

主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens9 years ago

Soon, I should be! Finished my last project yesterday and only have a few assignments left to grade. I'll be able to get some runs done after some more practicing. I really gotta rerun all the missions before I commit to an actual run.

And congrats on the time! So close to sub 4:30 ;)

主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens9 years ago

Oh yeah, with the whole Donny thing, I think I remember just plastering him with bullets and waiting for him to quit talking. Basically just shot and left, IIRC. I don't think you need to even wait for him to keep talking and shoot him in between.

主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens9 years ago

That's really good stuff. Especially the strip club stun gun thing. That damn girl always pissed me off. I tried some different things but not enough testing.

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens9 years ago

I have completed my first run (and gotten wr but I'm not happy with it). I've attempted 58 times before finishing that one and at this point, have about 75-ish. I have developed some good strats that'll get you pretty much the entire way. The only thing that sucks is that there's inevitable RNG. I'll post all my steps here.

Throughout all of this, you should be taking any advantage you get to get inside the robots for the wind staff parts. It's all RNG so you just have to pray you don't get screwed.

  1. Grab the shovel and maxis brain.
  2. Turn the switch here 2 times
  3. Start the generator and stab 10 of the paladins for max points, then end it. Grab Quick Revive
  4. Stab every zombie, don't shoot.
  5. At the start of round 2, grab the 2x points and shoot every zombie 8 times and then knife for max points. Hope you don't get a nuke.
  6. After round 2, go to gen 2, looking for the shield part along the way
  7. Go into the train station and buy the mp40, grab the ice disk, grab the tablet, turn the switch 3 times
  8. Look for the shield part if you haven't gotten it already
  9. Turn on gen 2 and stay here till round 4
  10. Dig while it's snowing for the ice part and hope Thor comes along (Head to gen 3 while snowing if ice part not dug up here)
  11. At the end of round 4, go through the doors here but go over to gen 3.
  12. Turn on gen3
  13. Get the shield part if it's here. If not, go back through the door here towards gen 1 and look there.
  14. Head up towards no mans land. Go straight towards the church (But not actually going to the church). Dig along the way if snowing.
  15. Turn the switch at the mound 3 times.
  16. Look for the last shield part in its 3 locations in the feet and look for the black record along the way
  17. Build the shield in wind tunnel
  18. Turn the switch by wind tunnel 2 times
  19. Turn on gen4
  20. Grab the lightning disc
  21. Kill the last zombie and sit in the footprint by gen 4
  22. Fill up this box then head over to the footprint by the dig site and do the same there.
  23. Leave one zombie at the end of round 7.
  24. Open up gen 5, grab the wind disc, turn on gen 5
  25. Buy stamin-up
  26. Turn this switch 3 times
  27. Go up towards the church and open that up (if it hasn't been opened yet. If it has, make sure you shoot the plane down).
  28. Turn the switch behind the tank 2 times
  29. Go up and take the tank down, collecting the lightning part. Look for the maxis part as you run down.
  30. At the tank station below at 2, you can ride the tank immediately if you ran behind it on its way down.
  31. This is why we bought the stamin-up: you can collect both staff parts here. Stand on the left corner of the tank and jump when it gets to the first platform. Run down, grab the piece and as far as you can, run back and hop back on the tank. It's not possible to do without stamin-up
  32. Grab the last staff part. After, head down the tank path again and look for the maxis part.
  33. Go up to the dig site and open it up. Look for the black disc if it hasn't been grabbed already. Look for the maxis part as well. At this point, we should be scraping the bottom of our funds.
  34. Grab the gramophone but don't open the basement yet.
  35. Run over to the lightning tunnel and open the gateway.
  36. Grab the lightning rock and leave. (Make sure you open up the gateway back before grabbing the rock to save some time)
  37. Run back to the dig site and build the staff. Look for the maxis part if you need to, as you head down the dig site. Head over to either the gen5 box or church box, whichever suits you best.
  38. Kill the last zombie
  39. The panzer will come but the lightning staff makes short work of him. Grab the fire staff part then.
  40. Fill up this box and then head over to the last box.
  41. Fill up this box until either it's done or it starts snowing.
  42. Once it starts snowing, at round 10, find the last ice staff parts.
  43. Finish filling the boxes
  44. Head up towards gen 6.
  45. Grab the fire disc, place your stone in the water, turn the switch behind it once.
  46. Grab the one inch punch
  47. Turn on gen 6 and get the fire staff part.
  48. Do the punches to cleanse the tablet
  49. Take the tablet down to the tank station and keep doing punches. One method I found useful was to go in the door by gen 2, punching while keeping your back clear. Keeping backing up towards where the tank sits. Once out of the door, run around back towards gen 2 and repeat. This way, you keep moving and don't get stuck.
  50. Grab the G-strike when done.
  51. Hold on to one guy at the end of this round. Here's where almost the entirety of the upgrading happens. We have to make sure we hold on to the zombie here.
  52. Start with the fire tunnel, since we're here. Go down it and get the fire rock.
  53. While in the crazy place, do the lightning puzzle. The switches should all be done already.
  54. Come out the fire tunnel, grab the gramophone, and go to the dig site. Buy the stg off the wall and trade for the mauser or get mule kick
  55. Build the fire staff, shoot the lightning orb after turning all the lights
  56. Head towards gen 6 and go down the ice tunnel. Look for the maxis part if not found. Grab the ice rock and place the lightning staff.
  57. Come back to the dig site and build the ice staff and pick up the ice staff
  58. Head down the wind tunnel and grab the wind rock. Do the ice puzzle while here.
  59. Come out the fire tunnel. Go towards the tank station and shoot the tombstone
  60. Head up to no man's land and shoot the other 2 tombstones.
  61. Go to the dig site and shoot the orb. Build the wind staff.
  62. Go down the wind tunnel again (Gramophone is there, leave it).
  63. Place the ice staff (Make sure you open the portal before running over to place it)
  64. Run back to the dig site, pick up the wind staff and do the puzzle. Come up to no man's land again.
  65. Shoot the smoke in the following order: gen 4, tank path behind church, gen 5. As you pass the tank, build the maxis drone at the table. Pick it up after.
  66. Go down the dig site and shoot the orb.
  67. Place the wind staff and come back
  68. Grab the fire staff and go back down to the crazy place. Now we're ready for the next round
  69. Do the fire puzzle.
  70. Once the puzzle in the crazy place is done (And before all staffs are upgraded (only wind and maybe one other will be done)), come up through ice tunnel
  71. Do the fire puzzle here and shoot the orb
  72. Run back to the crazy place and place the first staff. Pick up your favorite upgraded staff and kill till they're all done.
  73. Place your staff BACK IN THE PEDESTAL HERE. Then pick up fire. Go out through wind.
  74. Run back to the dig site and do the fire staff glitch (place the fire staff down in the pedestal 4 times. On the 4th, wait for samantha to say something and the pedestal to disappear, then grab the fire staff again).
  75. Now here's SO MUCH RNG! One of my runs died altogether because it took 10 mins here. But wait over by gen 5. Pray to the gods that one of Odin's feet is lit up. If it isn't wait for another shot. If it is, thank whatever god you wish and then get inside.
  76. Wait for the purge sequence (And don't listen to the audio logs, they delay it). Once you here 3-2-1, wait for the "imaginary 0" and press x on the red button. If you do it right, you should hear overlapping phrases. I believe they say something about firing and something about purge sequence initiated. Basically, you'll hit the button and then the robot will kick you out at the same time. This is much faster than holding x to get out and you need all the time you can get.
  77. When you drop, while practicing and not that great, I'd do one throw immediately, trying to hit the stone slab over the map. I'd hold on the other for when you're reasonably sure you'll make it. The first one is because the window you have is incredibly short. The second is because you at least want to make it on and it is possible to wait until you have a clear shot, if not likely.
  78. If done right, the slab will br broken and you'll hear samantha. Throw Maxis down into the hole. Run back toward Odin's first left footprint (his left). At the entrance closer to the dig site, stand there and use the fire staff's charged up shot at the other mouth to the footprint. The panzers will only come from that entrance. At this point, you'll probably kill your zombie but that's okay. It's not the biggest deal.
  79. After they're all dead, run back to the crazy place
  80. Place the fire staff and pick up the ice staff
  81. Come back and shoot the 3 carriages on fire to get a zombie blood.
  82. Run up to the top of the dig site and PAP your stg if you haven't yet.
  83. Grab the zombie blood and shoot down the plane.
  84. Hope you have enough time left and run COUNTER-CLOCKWISE around the dig site.
  85. If you see the dude, kill him and pick up the maxis drone.
  86. If you don't make it in time, keep killing zombies, ending rounds until you can shoot the carriages again or until a zombie blood is picked up and you can kill the pilot
  87. Once done, head down to the dig site. Punch the smoking zombies, keeping plenty of distance. It's safer to shoot and punch later than to try and punch everyone.
  88. Once done, grab the tablet.
  89. Run up to the church, grab the maxis drone.
  90. Head down to the crazy place and place the ice staff
  91. Kill zombies. Remember that the punches now are powerful. Keep a portal open at wind just in case you go down and need an out or just need to escape real quick.
  92. Once the portal opens, throw up maxis.
  93. Wait until you can press x on the platform and then it's done! (Note: some guides may tell you that you need all generators on but this video seems to disprove that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1650&v=COpW6uvNWOY)

So there are a few things to note here.

  1. Robots suck. Take every advantage you get to get the wind staff parts. If you lose 30 seconds in one part, it might save you 3 minutes later.
  2. Practice the G-Strike throws. The timing window also sucks for that.
  3. If you don't get the lightning staff for the panzer soldat, the wind staff also works. You can altogether not get any staff but I'd say it wastes a good couple minutes if you don't.
  4. I'm not altogether sure if the generators are necessary for anything but PAP and their relative perks, and for the pedestals to work for the upgraded staffs. If a generator is being taken, it's honestly probably not in your best interest to go for it unless it's close or you need a max ammo. In solo, you can turn it on pretty quickly if necessary and giving up a box, say, could waste much more time if a robot closes it first. It's probably best to hope for a nuke then.
  5. The staffs can also get completely upgraded before the G-Strike is taken. This is likely NOT the best scenario though. As the rounds get higher, zombies get harder, making punching them (with these terrible hitboxes) even more difficult. It's best to go for the G-Strike asap.
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