Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

I have just begun moving all the boards over to a new format that can be currently seen. If there were runs that I missed moving over to the new format, you can find them under your profile page under runs. Go ahead and resubmit them for verification and I'll add it back in. If, for some reason, you can't find the run there, simply submit it again. Sorry if this affects you, I tried my best to get everything copied over again if possible. This change gives the boards added flexibility in how they display runs and is ideal in what we try to accomplish.

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

I do but I don't use it, really. The best way I talk is through these forums, I'd say.

I agree with the FG leaderboards on BO2. I'll wait and see if anyone else chimes in as well and make the change in a day or two if no one else does.

BOZAK_115 喜欢这个
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

There's a couple different formats that can be used to organize these leaderboards. Each layout is shown. The first is on the BO1:Z and BO2:Z page and the second type is shown on the BO3:Z page.

I personally like the layout on the BO2 and BO1 pages but that might be own personal bias because I set those up. The largest downside is that it gets a little bulky with more runs and you can only see the first place.

For either of them, it doesn't look like you can nest the menus. i.e. you can't have it go TranZit->EasterEgg->Richtofen Ending->Obscure Misc category. You can, at most, have 1 layer down, like we have in BO3, The Giant and then PaP and the Easter Egg. The largest downside to this is it looks like it greatly limits the number of level types that can be had. It also looks like all Solo stuff gets lumped into Co-Op stuff where in the other layout it wouldn't. And it clearly makes a difference whether anything's done Solo or Co-Op.

That problem with nesting and size limit can be eased by using the system in BO2. The more levels you add, the longer that IL list becomes and it doesn't necessarily look cluttered by squeezing all the names together on one line. The list would just extend downward, if that makes sense.

I wanted to gauge what everyone thinks about this because it would be nice to have uniformity and group input on the direction to go. My vote is on the IL system, at least until proper nesting is in place (if that's on the site agenda).

EDIT: Actually, apparently there is nesting. Check out what I've done on the Full Level leaderboards side on the BO2 page. Looks pretty good, IMO...

BOZAK_115 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Ah okay, great! There's so much to read through...so I didn't :P Thanks!

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Just separated the two! I actually have a thought to redesign the board soon too. There are new variable categories it looks like so it might make it a little cleaner.

主题: The Site
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

I have a suggestion to be able to comment on submitted runs to have a mini forum between other mods and the submitter. If there are any discrepancies, it would help to point them out and possibly solve before rejecting or accepting a run. This would be a short lived forum that only exists for the duration of the run in that limbo state. I feel like this would be quite a large undertaking, though, so I know it might not be feasible in the near future.

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Alright. If you ever want to separate the two, just let me know and I'll do it. I've been unable to even complete the TranZit EE myself (though I've read up on how it's done) so I don't really know the specifics.

Good luck!

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

That's a pretty good question but I think the long and short of it is you should do whatever's fastest. If there's more activity on the EE (or if you want a time for the slower one separately, I suppose) we can break it up into separate categories.

主题: The Site
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

I'd recommend having this ability in changing the comments, perhaps, but not the video link or really anything else.

tatticadanito, Gnist 4 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

I got a notification that I was added as a mod but it was...quite weird.

I don't think I was added to a game of my own name ;)


主题: Saints Row
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Expanding on questions for SR2:

If the countdown timer for the Tornado spawn rate isn't an issue, could it possibly be Brotherhood notoriety from Appointed Defender that affects it?

主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

I was on the 360 last night. Good to see you were so close! My plan for the next few days is that today, I'm gonna take it easy and do a little practicing cause I woke up feeling like butt and still have to work all day. Then tomorrow, more runs for that sub 430. I'm actually thinking my 360 may have overheated or something because of its placement so I'm gonna reposition it tonight as well. It failed at regular enough intervals, about 2 hours in each time.

I was also thinking about the Tornado spawn again and why it has trouble spawning might have to do with the fact that we have notoriety as well. Not police notoriety but Brotherhood. It could possibly be that in and of itself or that the Brotherhood pull up the police station and get the attention of the cops. Not really sure if this is it but it's a possibility, IMO.

主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Gotta bitch for a juuuuuust a sec! I was about -6 at the museum pier. Then the game crashed. I was then at -2. -9 after waste not want not. Then -12 at Bad Trip. Then we got to Bank Error in Your Favor. I died and lose 2 mins because I jumped out of my Tornado at the bank and hit a light pole while deploying my parachute. No big deal, still -10. Then I died during wardill airport because of a rogue bastard with an RPG. -8. Then comes the Enemy of My Enemy. I softlocked but couldn't get out of it. I tried for a bit but decided to cut my losses and load the save. On my way back to the mission, I hit the water and died. Argghhhh. I finished the mission +30s. It SUCKS but I can work with that. Then comes the Siege. I died after parking my Tornado on top. Okay....I respawn inside but have to run all the way down and then back up. Wastes ~2 mins I'd say. And then I get almost to the top. Game crashes for the second time. It was almost hopeless anyway but.....come onnnnnnnnn. I wouldn't have gotten a spectacular PB but it would have been something. Comparing all those times, though, all the time I lost due to death and big mistakes, that's probably verging on 20 mins and that's not even 4 hours into the run.

Comparing it to what my PB currently is, we can get sub 430, I'm absolutely sure. We just have to have the game not crash and to not fuck up majorly haha.

主题: The Site
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

I'll request mod for Black Ops II Zombies and possibly supermod of the call of duty zombies series. LeapingLinguine hasn't been on in over a month and I've submitted a run to the leaderboard ~a week ago. I only run Black Ops II Zombies but seeing as how he's inactive and doesn't have any other forms of communication on this site, I'm not sure if he's capable being a mod for the series.

YUMmy_Bacon5 喜欢这个
主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Yeah, due to them being testers there's some things they could have possibly placed in the game in order to speed things up, like you mention just having enough respect at the start. That, alone, would eliminate ~45-60 mins, I'd say. No need to farm respect, do Revelations, any activities, or buy cars.

Honestly, though, it might even come down to better gameplay. I know I can get sub 430 with simply better gameplay. Much beyond that, though, I'm not sure.

They made it sound like there was a lot we were missing though. I'm gonna say that in terms of our death warps and save warps and such, we're pretty much using everything the best we can. I'm disappointed that the OoB seems relatively useless as usable floors are hit or miss and you fall into infinity only to get warped the most useless of places.

I agree the Tornado is 100% necessary. It's waaaaay too valuable and shaves off minutes in most missions. It's worth whatever time it takes to acquire.

The mission route is optimized for the best of both of ours. It optimizes respect and cash flow and mission requirements/positioning. There are a couple I wish we could maneuver around but really can't think of a better way than how it currently is. I'm actually hoping Hurbaz doesn't use the current route because he might bring something else to the table, a new perspective on ordering missions. And it looks like he isn't so we'll see what happens there!

So I tweeted at them but if I don't hear back, I'll attend the Thursday stream and try to get their attention lol. We need answers!

主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Yeah, sure, let's make a question thread. That would be really great to see, actually. And I hope they'd come by here!

I could go with that for a new category, but I'd have to say it'll be semantics at that point ;) . If I beat my time there, it'll be a WR for that category regardless haha. It'll still be any% practice though and I think that adding it there DOES make it clearer. So I'd be fine with it.

主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Interesting development since I've been having a BEAR of a time with this Tornado...

I decided to say "eff this" and mod a Tornado in with my PC game.

  1. I think I've mentioned this before but the spawn chance is 10%. I kept thinking it was 5% but it's not, at least if xbox is the same as PC.
  2. The chance of a (usable) Tornado spawning during the mission countdown is rarer. I don't know how much rarer it actually is but I'd go with "a decent amount." I put the Tornado spawn at 100% and got it every time (if a little late, I'm chalking that up to low priority loading from mem but I could be wrong). BUT when I tried the method I've been doing on xbox, I only got it 3 out of ~8-10 times or so. Twice, I got it right away. One time was too late to actually use. Twice, I got it IMMEDIATELY after the mission ended. One, no heli even after the mission ended. The other ones, I didn't wait for the mission to end to see if it spawned because I wasn't thinking that far ahead. It's much better to use the safe strats for that and go before the countdown. Something about that countdown messes with the spawn rate, I think. Maybe we can use that to our advantage though. If we know that it can negatively affect spawn rate. Maybe we can make it also positively affect it?

I have also been thinking about loading the save immediately after the jailbreak. In testing, it seems that the Tornado loads better during the countdown when loading from that. But with the few number of tests, it really could just come down to luck there. It's been still inconsistent.

In summary, I suppose, there's more research I'll do into this. I won't be doing the risky strats anymore unless I use a modded game because it seems to be ~50% or less that you'll get a usable Tornado.

I guess I'll also add that I might propose a modded Tornado category. I'd probably push to include this into any% still, though. Yes, it's modding the game but in a similar manner to how Banjo-Tooie using jinjo manipulation. It's just meant to eliminate frustrating RNG. It might be considered a slippery slope but...meh. I think as long as rules are clear, it's acceptable :P. For the time being, though, I think an additional category will work.

I've actually gone ahead and uploaded a modded patch.vpp_pc to the resources here. This is for testing purposes or for modded Tornado runs. I'll include directions on how to use it in the description in resources.

主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Just made a twitter to tweet at them. If they have better strats that might eliminate the Tornado....god, let it be so.

I'm gonna attempt runs again soon as well. I need to improve lol.

主题: Speedrunning
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

If you upload a video to youtube or stream to twitch, you can a post the link to your VOD after you hit "submit run" on your game.

主题: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Really??? That's killer!! Do you have a VoD of that?

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