主题: Speedrunning
Iowa, USADangerless4 years ago

Might as well be most games in existence.

ImHolden, Habreno, ShadowFlare7799 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless4 years ago

@Lonne Yeah it's all good I've gone ahead and added you to the board.

主题: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless4 years ago

@Lonne Do you mean the series or the board itself?

@manticor5 It looks like you were a moderator prior and you were removed before he deleted his account. I've re-added you to those boards in particular.

manticor5 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless4 years ago

@thegamer1185 I assure you, we looked at everyone's logs including the leaderboard and this is nothing there that implies you ever submitted. I did reach out to @meauxdal to talk about the situation for you, he assures me that no such runs were ever deleted and he wants you to resubmit your runs to the board. There is a slight chance that you could've submitted those runs during a time when the site had been rolled back, but either way you are encouraged not just by us but the mods of the game to submit those runs. There is no malicious intent here.

thegamer1185 meauxdal 喜欢这个
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

Do not provide illegal files/games/bios/roms/etc as these are considered copyright infringement.

This thread has been locked and mentions/links to this file has been removed.

Lonne 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

@Alexo Added you to the board.

@mr_double07 Added you to the board.

@Vadyanga Added you to the board.

主题: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

This should be resolved now.

Imaproshaman 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

@Midboss "incompetent", while I had a strong feeling everything screamed as a meme to me (I mentioned this in the discord at one point) it's still mismanaging a leaderboard. The fact that this was played off as long as it was is, still ridiculous and reminds me of so much of April Fool's madness on the site. The moderators of said game obviously need to get their act together and maybe read up on the rules/moderation pages on the site which have been instated ages ago.

If people want to meme and joke all day then might I advise everyone who is part of this to join a comedy club and see how many laughs everyone gets?

Marteeny DrunkGecko 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

@Countdown42 Full-Mods aren't developers on the site, our job is exactly what you think it is "police SRC by fulfilling its rules and policy's".

People come to this website to view times, videos posted and user discussion, no one comes here to see a leaderboard filled cheated runs, public shaming and other ridiculous things that might be on a games leaderboard if a game moderator doesn't even want to manage a leaderboard they shouldn't even be a moderator in the first place. Moderators of said games are held to a higher standard on any leaderboard, the fact this happened at all is in itself ridiculous.

letcreate123 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

[quote]with the "pauses" flag to indicate that pause buffering d-pad input was used. Since this is obviously cheating, an extra column was added noted that the run was performed using cheats. Effective immediately, a new boolean column will be added, "Plays Randomizers", which will show the current state of affairs as noted above. Note that in spite of all available evidence, Midboss' run will not be removed from the leaderboard, as the community feels as a community that being pubically known to play randomizers is ultimately a worse punishment."[/quote]

Okay, so since both of you are now out of rational thinking, variables were removed because they appeared to be shaming the player and they seemed at first to me to be a meme. Regardless of how anyone feels about it, they should NOT of existed regardless of what mindset is at play here. I regret not talking to Mill instead.

Going off the provided thread, the run was cheated yet still stupidly accepted, randomziers also aren't even something that should be on any main game leaderboard because they are ridiculous to track (category extensions is probably going beyond this). If there was a "community vote" I would like to see it.

Reading that post is literally nothing more than publicly trying to shame someone over cheating, joke or not, this has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read.

Edit: And even going forward, if "devteam" was this much of an issue why wasn't this addressed to site staff a year ago?

pimittens, grass, devteam 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

I cleaned up the variables, most likely just Mill memeing on MidBoss but if they get re-added I'll talk to Mill about it.

主题: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

@warm_ham I'm going to butt in here and say we're going to reject the request.

The first marathon hardly had much to it to even warrant a page, the second marathon looks like cesspool with some spam posts within the marathon's forum, you also had a handful of people submitting trailers and other non-relevant submissions. Not only that, but that marathon also couldn't maintain a 24 hour cause.

主题: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

Using the year would be more ideal as there is no saying if far into the future that the game will get ported to a future console. Typically if a game uses the console instead it is because there are multiple games using the same name but the games across other platforms are not the same or different enough to warrant a split from the original board.

Imaproshaman Finalflame 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago


"but isn't it at least kinda fucked that every other month some leaderboard gets hijacked and people just have to assume that they need to change their passwords again?"

Isn't it kinda fucked that people reuse the same passwords or simply add a single digit to the end of their old passwords? People should be taking care of their accounts on any website, how hard is it to update your passwords on a regularly basis this is 2019 and you are going to tell me people are too illiterate about security even at the most basic level? Has it gotten to that point where people just don't care enough about themselves...to take care of themselves by just updating their passwords again, on a regularly basis? Just for something as simple as this? People literally have actually told us they have either reused passwords or "changed/added a single digit" to the old one.

Any service/website is going to tell you to always update your passwords. If there was an actual security breach what makes you think some idiot would be wasting his time with user accounts when he could have total control over the site by acquiring one of the admins accounts?

Again, you don't seem to be reading, us Fmods cannot add these features but its something we absolutely want added even Volvagia wants 2FA added but damn dude its still just two people trying to get stuff done. Of course we see what people want, people want a lot of things on this site and I agree that sometimes they are just far and inbetween. I swear there was a thread on here talking about 2FA, a lot of people weren't sure how they wanted it done but it seemed that it is something they want as well.

We don't care about the damn controversies, people are going to say shit and whatever they want and we aren't going to be able to change their minds most of the time, we aren't telling people to "you do it yourself" either, there is interest in fixing things but again you literally disregarded most if not half of what @Liv just posted.

We are in agreement when it comes about that we want further improvement with security related situations/issues, there is no debate.

Edit: From Pac - "Just a note that we're treating MFA is an immediate priority and it's currently being implemented. It will be up and running in the next couple of days."

Quivico Habreno 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

@6oliath Can't you find something better to do. I mean the rules leave little to no room for interpretation on purpose.

Like, there is no debate runner and video is removed from the leaderboard, you don't legally own the time itself as people for some reason think they do. If people want to track that, let them because at the end of the day it solves both issues.

主题: Talk
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

Oops, made a couple typos I meant "Breadeaux and Godfathers" both of these may be a midwest thing and not everywhere in the US but Breadeaux is highly known for its "French Bread Crust Pizza" and Godfathers is more known for their thicker crust and heavier cheese usage.

xDrHellx 喜欢这个
主题: Talk
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

All this is "american pizza", I've always wanted to try a true pizza from the source....Italy. Otherwise, there's a lot of "okay to very good pizzas" and I don't have much of a strong preference of who I prefer, pizza has changed a lot in 20 years and I remember loving Pizza Hut when they used to actually make their crust way thicker but nowadays I think I lean a bit towards places like Breadduex and Godthers.

Has anyone ever been there and eaten pizza there in Italy? How does it compared to the American version?

Pear, RetroPacman, Krayzar 喜欢这个
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