SloveniaApok6 years ago

Thanks for offering, but we're not looking for more verifiers right now. I am almost certain it's never actually taken a week to verify a run. 3 days is usually the maximum, but sometimes we'll let runs slip to 4-5 days. Other times the run can get verified within a day.

If you feel like there's something wrong with the rules you're free to suggest any changes you would like to see. Don't need to be a mod for that.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

Disregard the timer issues, I mistakenly thought that the timer breaks when using the mod, but I believe it's actually fine (assuming it works for you in the first place since it's a bit hit or miss).

SloveniaApok6 years ago

Personally I'm not a fan of allowing more mods than necessary. The save state mod provides a real benefit that could make the game more fun to speedrun so allowing it makes sense, but then allowing the timer mod as well is a different story. I'd much prefer a solution that works outside the game like Livesplit, but I'm not sure if it's possible.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

The save state mod is the restart mod. Restarting is just a feature it has. Also, timer mod is not allowed, we just weren't sure it was a mod which is why some runs got verified.

If we do allow the restart mod I'm pretty sure the autosplitter could be adapted to work with it, but only if real time is used in Livesplit. Not that that matters since the end screen determines time.

EDIT: Actually not sure about that autosplitter stuff.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

Recently there has been some debate about two of the current rules. That being the “no mods” rule and requiring all videos to start when the “new game” button is pressed. The rule prohibiting mods seemed obvious when it was put into place as mods provide a way to cheat without really providing any positives. The new game button served as a good marker as to when to actually start the video to make sure the entire run is recorded.

However, the save state mod has the ability to restart runs without having to go to the men. This has caused some questioning of both these rules. The mod could save a lot of unnecessary time spent just waiting for the menu to load, but isn’t allowed due to the current rules.

There has been some discussion among the mods, but we believe it’s a good idea to hear what the community thinks about this, so I ask everyone to state their opinion on the matter in this thread. We don’t want to make a decision without people getting the chance to say what they think about this issue.

In the event of a rule change resetting using the save state mod would be allowed. Other mods would likely stay prohibited. We would also need to change the wording on when a run starts.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

Not a big fan of having a run that relies on modding the game on the leaderboard

SloveniaApok6 years ago

Edited the OP to reflect some changes due to a recent patch.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

Yes, pausing the game to skip the credits on iOS seems fair and is allowed. I'll add it to the rules.

Your second point I have trouble agreeing with. It seems that iOS just isn't a good platform to run this game in general with the numerous issues you seem to been having with it and I just don't see us getting anywhere by making rule exceptions to compensate. These rule exceptions make even less sense with the relatively high rate at which patches are coming out for the iOS version, that both remove and introduce bugs and glitches. What happens if the next patch fixes the sensitivity issues but introduces another thing entirely, do we change the rules once more? It just doesn't seem productive to me and would only serve to confuse things.

The phrase "no excessive stuttering or frame drops" is somewhat vague, but the issue is quite hard to provide concrete rules for, but judging by your past submissions you should be fine as far as recordings are concerned.

The gameplay obstruction rule is there because we've had some submissions where recording programs would place a watermark on the centre of the screen. So far the watermarks have been semi transparent, but it did raise the question of what to do if eventually we get a submission that has a more serious obstruction.

Don't take anything I say as the official mod stance by the way, this is just my opinion on things.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

13/04/2018 EDIT

Due to inconsistencies in the game physics caused by the instant restart mod the previous rule change has been reverted. For now, no mods are allowed and runs must start in the menu, upon pressing the "new game" button.

08/04/2018 EDIT

Based on community feedback we've decided to change the rules to permit the use of the Instant Restart mod by AS13B. The mod itself can be found in the resources page.

Instead of:

Time will begin upon completion of the loading screen after starting a "New Game" and Modding the game in any way is not allowed

The new rules state:

Video must include the entire run, from the initial panning motion of the camera and pot animation to the gray end screen and The Instant Restart Mod by AS13B is the only permitted mod. Using any other mod will result in the run getting rejected.

Please keep in mind that if you're using the mod and any irregularities that could arguably change the run in any way (such as a strange animation or incorrect respawn position) occur we will still reject the run, so make sure you pay attention. We believe this mod has the potential to make the game more enjoyable to speedrun, especially for those with slower PCs. Happy climbing!

02/02/2018 EDIT

Due to a recent patch making it possible to skip the credits with the space bar, pausing is no longer allowed under any circumstances on PC and only allowed on iOS to skip the credits.

Hey everyone. As the title says, we've made a small change to the rules. Here they are for snake%, but the changes at the end effect glitchless as well:

"You must ride the snake once and then complete the game.

Time will begin upon completion of the loading screen after starting a "New Game".

The Ingame Timer will be used, with completion time determined by the endgame screen.

Restarting the timer by jumping into the water at the beginning is not allowed.

Runs must be completed without pauses or quitouts. Accidental pauses before the credits may be permitted on a case by case basis.

The Barrel Glitch/Warp Glitches are not allowed.

No gameplay should be obstructed (the cauldron, character & any walls and objects the hammer is interacting with).

The following minimum video standards must be met:

Video source is from either capture card or capturing software (OBS, Xsplit, Action,etc) Video resolution is at least 360p and framerate is at least 25 FPS with no excessive stuttering or frame drops at any point. Endscreen is shown long enough to tell what the final time is. The video is not too dark or too bright to see the run clearly."

Gameplay wise the rules are the same, but we've added minimum video proof standards to avoid ambiguity and personal opinion when verifying runs. Hopefully this makes it easier to verify runs and makes it fairer for everyone.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

If you've downloaded the autosplitter and enabled it in layout settings and also enabled the autosplitter in the split settings you have two autosplitters running. Disable one or the other and it should be fine.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

Even if it was possible to skip the credits in iOS I just don't see that system being competitive compared to PC simply due to the lesser control compared to a mouse. (I haven't played the iOS version, so I could be wrong). So I realise any iOS runner naturally has a disadvantage compared to the PC players.

Despite that I'm of the opinion that the current system is fine and doesn't need changing and I'll explain why. You say that a way to fix the issue would be a separate leaderboard for iOS runs, but my issue with that is a leaderboard like that won't add anything new. You're playing the game Getting Over It, starting and finishing it normally. There's already a category for that and suggesting another category where the objective is the exact same doesn't seem logical to me.

You can argue that the run is different because it is on iOS, but for that I have to turn to different speedrunning communities. This problem has cropped up with cross-system releases before with certain glitches or strats that are possible on one system not being possible on others and vice versa, but a fastest system always exists. Despite that all the games I've seen have a common board for all the systems. Obviously every game is unique and there aren't really general rules that all speedrun.com communities have to follow, but I struggle to see a reason to make a new category altogether.

I struggle to see a reason because you're still the best (and unfortunately only) iOS runner and the current system recognises that. What information would a new category add?

This is obviously just my opinion and I genuinely understand your concern, but I personally don't think that's enough to justify a new category.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

"A good glitch might be found" isn't really a good reason to just make a new category. Categories are there to be played, not in case something happens in the future.

ROMaster2 喜欢这个
SloveniaApok6 years ago

Ooh, that's cool, I didn't think it was possible to get over there since that crate is so slippery.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

Yeah, this is known as the barrel glitch because the first time most people heard of it was from this clip:

We've decided to ban it both because skipping the entire game with an annoying to replicate glitch isn't exactly fun and because Bennett confirmed that the glitch will be fixed in the Steam release of the game.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

This has been a known technique for a while now (Check Guides for the video). I believe Lumonen found it first, but decided not to use it because it barely saves time (if at all) compared to doing furniture land well, because if you do the slide skip you need to make your way across the box island and go up before you even get to the skip.

In the end it's down to personal preference though. I personally don't do it because it's fairly tricky and I never practised it.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

That technique was actually discussed briefly as we were thinking of the rules and is why all runs must be completed without pauses/quitouts since the in-game timer doesn't run while you're setting up.

Nice video though, I never knew it tracked from the middle of the screen.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

If you buy the humble monthly ( humblebundle.com/monthly ) you can get the game as part of the humble trove. So just to make this clear, the game is not part of the monthly itself, but a selection of games you get access to when you subscribe to humble monthly.

SloveniaApok6 years ago

Useful for someone that has polished their run to where such a small time save makes sense. Right now I think everyone just takes the normal route because it's safer instead of risking a run on bucket for a 2-3 second save.

slown137 喜欢这个
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Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy
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Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy
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