A couple of things I want to do:
A couple of things I want to do:
发布于 4 months ago
  1. Stuff I've done

I shared my issues with having several categories on the front page with few runs (All Events, Win All Events, All Olympic Events and All Dream Events) and some regrets about the video quality of my runs.

I have united them inside 1 single category with a dropdown to make it look cleaner. I considered that was a more elegant solution than just moving all of them inside Misc. It really doesn't change much, it just looks better.

I have also replaced my "All Olympic Events" record with a run that's almost equally as fast, but has been recorded with propper quality. I think that should solve most of the issue, but my "All Events" world record is still poorly recorded (I'm afraid it's hard to beat and I'm not up for the task lately).

I moved "Golden Tours" outside of Misc for no particular reason, I just felt it was better that way. I added a "All Skiing Events" inside Misc. I added a 'Downhill' category on Misc.

I don't feel it's inadequate to add categories if I add them on Misc (since Misc is hidden), but I'm not sure if I'm doing it in such a way that it looks like an overkill. I might be bloating Misc unnecessarily. If I think of something that looks fun to run or that does not feel repetitive, I just add it without much thought.

  1. Emulator for Adventure Tours

I've been adding rules for "Full Game" categories, rules that enable emulator.

For "Full Game" categories I have simply allowed Emulator (except for "Aventure Tours"). Emulator was not allowed before me and Remy became mods, but before we became mods there were no other "Full Game" categories anyways. I realized there are few runners interested in Full Game, so I should not encourage them to "not run the game" by forbidding emulator. It's not like people will be bothered to cheat such long runs right now, the danger seems low.

For ILs I added some requirements months ago, because the events are short enough I am afraid they are too easy to cheat on. Emulator was already allowed before Kieron was a mod. Remy and I talked about emulator in ILs long ago, and since it was already allowed it was left as it was. Emulator rules were only changed for Speed Skating.

For "Play minigame" I just require proof of the resets, if the minigame has a lot of RNG. To make sure nobody is resetting to a savestate. Emulator was allowed before Kieron was a mod.

[[[for context, a runner who confessed cheating several minigames on Discord was the trigger for a more strict regulation on emulator. That's why the emulator rules for Speed Skating and for the minigames were changed. ]]]

I'm unsure what to do about Score events. There are 0 emulator runners for Score events, when they exist I'll think about it all. I feel Score events have been a decent success and I am wary about touching anything and ruining the fun.

Well, I have been considering enabling emulator for "Adventure Tours". I feel that it would be better if I enabled emulator in a separate category or in a category split.

I'm not sure if I should just "split it" in 2 (like Speed Skating), or whether I should add the category inside "Misc" and wait for it to have a few runs (if it has a few runs, I'd move it outside of Misc and fuse it with the current "Adevnture Tours". So that it looks like Speed Skating).

I don't think it's super necessary, but I fear somebody might want to run "Adventure Tours" on emulator, which is currently not allowed. It has never been allowed.

If I simply allow emulator, I might leave all of the current "console runners" at a disadvantage due to slower loading times. If I split "Adventure Tours" like Speed Skating, there will be an empty category that will not see many runs for a while (which looks bad). If I hide it inside "Misc" nobody might realize that it exists, or the runners might lose interest in running the category because it would not be a main category. BUT if I don't do anything, the only category which does not allow emulator on "Full Game" will be "Adventure Tours", which is the most popular category in the first place (if any person wants to run this game on emulator, they would most likely run Adventure Tours, because it's the most popular speedrun).

This feels like it'd be a big change. So I will not just do it overnight, I'll ask around discord and Remy. Feel free to give a piece of your mind.

  1. I probably will attempt to find a seed for Ski Cross Racing.

If I find a seed for Ski Cross Racing that prevents me from dying to blue shells, emeralds or otherwise, I will split the category ASSAP and make the seed public. Otherwise I just feel it'd be too unfair. I'm thinking about doing the same with Figure Skating anyways, since my WR openly uses Pauses. It's just that these 2 events don't see many runners, so I'm not sure many people care beyond me.

Emulator for Adventure Tours and All Minigames
  1. Emulator for Adventure Tours

Remy agrees and you can submit an emulator run for Adventure Tours. I will split the category soon.

If you make a run for Adventure Tours on emulator before I add the category split, feel free to tell me and I'll be quicker about it.

  1. All Minigames

I have realiz

3 months ago