Guide to Speedrunning in World of Warcraft Classic
Guide to Speedrunning in World of Warcraft Classic
Updated 4 years ago by Miintpwnage

Yo, I'm Miintpwnage, and I'm a WR holder for a majority of the dungeon content. Today I'm gonna teach you my ways.

  Alright, so lets begin with the aspect of dungeon speed running. The 2 main categories of Dungeons is any% and all bosses%. there is no 100% category yet so I won't really talk on that much. In the any% categories, you're just aiming for that last boss, which can make your runs extremely quick deppending on dungeon size, and what class you've chosen to run. and all bosses is what the name says, all bosses. 

How you'd want to approach any% is all the movement speed you can get, There's various items you can get throughout the game from quests and just off the AH that'll increase your movement speed. Lets list notable ones

Nifty Stopwatch - An item equipped in your trinket slot, what this does is increase your movement speed by 40% for 10 seconds. The nifty stopwatch is on a 30 minute CD, making it nice for marathon runs such as Baby dungeon%, you'll be able to get use out of this atleast 3 times at minimal throughout that run. its not the best of all the items, but you can easily get this from a quest chain in the badlands. (bring frost oil and gyrochromatom for quest)

Skull of Impending Doom - An item equipped in your offhand slot, what this does is increase your movement speed by a respectable 60% for 10 seconds, however every 2 seconds, this can do between 100-500 damage every 2 ticks; making this a very risky item to use and adds an element of RNG to your runs. druids are able to take advantage of this item more since they can self heal and hot up the damage it does to them. I'd still highly reccomend any class that's going to speedrun dungeons to pick this up. This is another item that can be obtained from a questline in badlands.

Goblin Rocket boots - an item equipped in your boot slot, obviously. So what I've found through looking up comments on variouse sites, it gives you 70% speed, for 20 seconds, THIS IS AMAZING, it gets you way more distance then even max rank sprint for rogues, however. It has a downfall of malfunctioning, which people claim is a 30%, but I think its lower, maybe I'm lucky or I've just managed to get a lotta milage out of my boots, but I've only bought one pair and they still have broken and destroyed emselves on me. it has a chance of like stunning you when it breaks, but I've yet to see this happen, a good tip I've picked up on is to remove the buff and not let it stay up for the whole 20 seconds. maybe use it for 15-17 seconds and remove the buff to avoid breaking your boots. The reasoning I say get goblin rocket boots vs gnomish, is you need to have like 225 engineering to use gnomish, but gnomish don't go as fast as goblin boots, gnomish go 60% vs goblins 70%, but gnomish boots don't break. but are also on a longer cd, Goblin rocket boots are a 5 minute cd, allowing you to get way further milage out of them in a singlular dungeon.

Swift Boots- another speed boost item for boot slot, this gives 40% speed for 10 seconds, on a 1 hour cd, its probably the worst speed boost item you could get out of all of em, but eh, LW can make them, so its the easiest to aquire. They're leather obviously so sorry mages. but the goblin rocket boots are cloth, so there's hope mages. not much to say on these really, but they have helped me claim a WR.

And finally, the monster energy drink, the juice, the Swiftness Potion. 50% movement speed for 15 seconds, pretty standard consumable any speedrunner would want to stock up on. this is probably where most of your gold sink will go to if you don't really raid.

Honorable mention to the enchant to boots, Minor speed, gives 8% movement speed, i believe this one here stacks variouse other speed boosts, not all of them.

With all these items, you'll be running like a madman to that final boss or even just from boss to boss doing all boss subcategory.

Ok lets talk about classes now. If you're going to be competitive the 3 best classes for approaching these categories of all bosses and any% for dungeons runs, would be Rogue, Hunter, Druid. Rogue being the most competitive class to play for going about speedrunning these dungeons solo. lets go abit into each class about their strengths and weaknessses

Rogue Strengths -Vanish, just skip the mobs bro, also allows you to gear swap boots to get you out of combat. -Sprint, 70% movement speed at the final rank, lasts 15 seconds, 3.5m cd if talented, its amazing. and can be used in stealth -stealth, at the highest rank and with camouflage talents, it only slows you by 10%, making it faster then druid stealth (also stacks with minor speed enchant) making rogues only 2% slower then normal run speed unstealthed -preperation, literally do everything said above over again, on a 10 minute cd, prep is what allows rogue to remain top teir for any% speed runs for the double sprint, and double boot swap from vanish.

Rogue Weaknesses -Although pretty slippery, they're generally squishy, making them weak in solo aoe situations -speaking of aoe, its non existent unless you take blade flury, then every 2 minutes for 15 seconds you can cleave a 2nd target. its ok but not good aoe compared to other classes. -can't really speed run/solo at that matter middleground dungeons, not enough sustain abilities to keep you up since bosses start to become immune to your blind and gouge abilities, not giving you a chance to bandage. -pretty cooldown reliant to make them top tier.

Hunter Strengths -feign death, pretty top tier vs rogues vanish since they can do it every 30 seconds, however they need to dismiss pet beforehand or wait for pet to die. so theres 3 seconds lost standing still every time you want to pull this trick/skip off as a hunter -aspect of the cheetah, this shit is OP vs any other class, a passive 30% (36% if talented) movement speed that they can have on themselves indefinetly, I think in theory, a hunter could beat rogues in longer dungeons like WC for example if they got all the speed running items with them, only downside to this is if you get hit, you get dazed and immeditaly slowed losing some time. -pet tank, you can solo a lotta dungeons, making it possible a hunter to realistically be one of the only classes to speedrun/solo later end dungeons. -through BM talents they have a passive heal of like 2% health every 10 seconds, allowing them to perhaps just not stop and eat and keep going. though most times you want to have your pet dismissed so it doesn't pull things by accident.

Hunter weaknesses -mana reliant, you do poopy dps once you reach a boss if you just spent all your mana on a previouse boss. I mean if you're Bm you pet basically does most of the dps, but you're not doing fully potential, so you in theory would have to maybe stop to drink sometimes here and there -pet reliant, you need that pet to tank, so you can get out of dead zone and do your dps with your ranged weapon -dead zone, LUL -pretty weak aoe just like rogues

Druids Strength (I don't really play a druid in classic so I don't have as much to say in detail but I get the jist of how they could be used) -prowl, basically stealth for feral druids, only other class to have this, allows them to also skip mobs like rogues -Bear form. they can aoe and take punishment from many mobs -self healing. very survivable -they do kind of have like a sprint ability, unsure if it last as long as sprint and goes as fast. someone will have to let me know

Druid weakness -no vanish if we're gonna be kind of comparing it to a rogue, making them have to waste time aoeing down mobs to continue a run to the next boss. -mana reliance to stay alive, gotta hop outta bear to heal up at some points, making their combat a lot slower and drawn out.

Honorable mention to Shaman tank -could use all the speedrunning items but instead of them having their own speed boost, they constantly drop earthbind totem to aoe slow mobs to keep a good distance. can then die and ankh at a final boss for an any% run

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