Play The Show All Levels Specifics
3 years ago
United States

For the Play The Show All Levels category, after you finish during the first 2 episodes, are you allowed to exit to main menu after you finish the final obstacle, after the ending cutscene starts, or do you have to watch the whole cutscene? I feel like this should be clearly stated in the category rules

United States

to add to this a clarification in challenge mode all levels would be nice if you're allowed to exit to main menu right after finishing the last obstacle of a course or if you have to select the main menu prompted by the game

United States

You can exit to the main menu. A level is completed after you loose the ability to control your character on the final obstical of the level.

United States

got it; would be good to put that on the category rules for future users

United States

I will later.

CrabbyCrab101 likes this

Yeah lol. I did it in my run and I was a little bit worried My thought was that since I had already completed the level why do I have to wait through the outro lol