Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese5 years ago

Yo, welcome on board! Glad to hear that you're down for the job. I first suggest looking into the mod side of things, i.e. check the settings under "Edit Game" and make yourself comfortable with all the stuff.

Second, we should get more runs onto the leaderboards, and that means new runners.

How can we reach out to people? I already posted a thread onto the Steam forums: https://steamcommunity.com/app/297860/discussions/0/1741103267316753450/

Afaik there's not really another forum for this game anywhere. I couldn't even find a subreddit for Split/Second.

Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese5 years ago

Let's revive this thread here.

The canyon oob route is only faster if you do it perfectly. Crashing is very likely, because at least on PC there's a nasty piece of invisible wall at the end of the oob part, leaving you with barely enough space to fit your car through.

So my suggestion is to ALLOW the oob part. It's a shortcut, and even though the route was definitely not intended by the devs, this is speedrun.com we're talking about.

The reverse trick seems to not work on PC, unless I'm doing something wrong. @Rusty_, do you mind explaining that trick?

Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese5 years ago


Let me introduce myself first. I'm NeZ, also known as NeZCheese both here and on Twitch. My main speedrun game is Vermintide 2, but I currently want to branch out a bit.

After I recently played Split/Second casually again, I checked sr.com for it... only to find that the community here is dying due to no moderation whatsoever. There's no official Discord either, and I got told that it's normal to wait a month for verification on a run. Guess what: This is not normal.

So I contacted @ViceroyOfMonteCristo on Twitter about it but got no response. @Liv, one of the speedrun.com main admins, also tried that and got no response either. But @Liv was so kind to add me as super mod, so here we are.

First thing I should mention is that I am super mod for Vermintide 2 and Everspace already, so I am quite experienced with how the interface and settings on sr.com work.

So, here's what I did so far:

  1. I decided to add @Lucky77 as moderator. He's the only one of the runners here that is still active on speedrun.com, so it made sense to me to add him. @Lucky77, please contact me either here or anywhere else so we get something going here again (aka a Discord!). The game deserves it.

About the other runners... @Rusty_ hasn't been active for over a month, @Behemoth87 hasn't been online for 2 months and @EvilConCarne hasn't logged in since May 2017. So, if anyone of you feels overlooked, please contact me and we'll sort things out!

The same goes for you, @ViceroyOfMonteCristo. I checked your YT and Twitch and you haven't been active on both of them for almost a year before I tried to contact you, way before I eventually reached out to @Liv. She kept you as regular moderator, so please contact me if you plan to be more active again. I appreciate the work you've done here, but if you're not active anymore, what's the point of being moderator?

  1. I verified all pending runs, 15 in total. Tbh, the level leaderboards look kinda weird right now. Having separate categories for all modes on all platforms instead of subcategories is suboptimal, but it makes comparing times between platforms easier on the main level leaderboard.

  2. I added all remaining Split/Second cars as selectable variables. For some reason, Viceroy only had like 10 in the list. I added the other 40 cars, even the console-only DLC ones. As I only own the game on PC (where no DLCs are available on Steam), it could very well be the case that I forgot some cars. Please contact me about them so I can add them.

  3. I added a rule to Canyon: "The out of bounds route through the dam is allowed". This is a racing game, this is speedrun.com. Any shortcut / trick that's faster than the regular route is allowed by definition.

So, any questions? Anything you disagree / agree with, any things still left unspoken?

Thank you for reading - let's hope we can revive this community again!


rusto ve Lucky77 bunu beğendi
Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese5 years ago

Big news. I requested mod status for the leaderboards here and @Liv was so kind to add me as super mod. I'm gonna lock this thread here and open up a new one where I'll explain what happened in detail. I already added you, @Lucky77, as mod.

EDIT: The new thread can be found here: https://www.speedrun.com/SplitSecond/thread/btjvm

konu: The Site
Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese5 years ago

@Liv: You're amazing, thank you so much! Really appreciate your efforts!

YUMmy_Bacon5 bunu beğeniyor
konu: The Site
Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese5 years ago

@Liv: Still no response from @ViceroyOfMonteCristo anywhere. What's your plan? Do you trust me enough to add me as super mod?

YUMmy_Bacon5 bunu beğeniyor
konu: The Site
Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese5 years ago

@Liv: Much appreciated. I'll wait for your decision. Thank you. :)

YUMmy_Bacon5 bunu beğeniyor
Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese5 years ago

Yo, I have already contacted Viceroy via Twitter but got no response so far. He hasn't streamed in months and his last Youtube upload was in September last year. This is bad.

But thank you. :)

konu: The Site
Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese5 years ago

Hello everyone.

I have a (super) mod request for https://www.speedrun.com/SplitSecond

The only super mod currently, @ViceroyOfMonteCristo, has not been online since November 12th 2018. He hasn't streamed on Twitch since February 2018 as far as I can tell and his last Youtube upload was in September 2017. I have contacted him on Twitter via tweet but got no response so far.

My runs are only pending since a few days, but another runner of Split/Second, @Lucky77, told me that he waits for a decision on one of his runs for over a month now.

Thank you in advance and thank you for the time you all put into this site. Much appreciated.

YUMmy_Bacon5 ve Sizzyl bunu beğendi
Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese5 years ago

New runner here - I submitted 4 runs yesterday and I plan to fill up the empty spots on the leaderboards.

When can I expect my runs to show up, in general? The only admin here hasn't been online for a month.

konu: Everspace
Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese5 years ago

The more and more I time I spend with this thing, the more and more I feel the AW (Ancient Weapon) should not exist in the game. It's so stupidly good that it's not fun to use all the time.

So I made it a separate category to allow competition between people who don't want to use the AW.

Cryoshotz bunu beğeniyor
konu: Everspace
Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese5 years ago


Make sure to enter our Discord - we're right in the middle of forming a speedrun community around this game, so there's lots of stuff to discuss!

Cryoshotz bunu beğeniyor
Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese5 years ago

I don't want to say I told you so, but I told you so.

As the F2 trick to move during the cutscene already got patched out, I go ahead and lock this thread.

Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese6 years ago

I agree - it seems Athel is extremely consistent with AI overload, especially the finale. Which CPU do you use?

Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese6 years ago

I edited & deleted some posts here.

The official speedrun.com Discord will be the one BnH wrote in the first post:

Warhammer: Vermintide Speedrunning https://discord.gg/CtHNMdz

Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese6 years ago

What happens when Fatshark patches out the F2 trick to move during the cutscene, let's say in version 1.1?

This would negate every run until that point with one single patch.

So... better safe than sorry.

Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese6 years ago

Yup, 100% agree with J here. We had way too much drama in the small amount of time where the 1.5 dodgeclimb bug gave us a reason to revive the speedrun community already. Now, with V2, we can start over and create the speedrun community we ever wanted.

Because V2 is way harder than V1, I feel the only way to fail this project is internal struggles, fighting over power and overall drama llama stuff.

EDIT: We will move over from the Squirrel Squad Discord to BnH's Discord here.

The official Vermintide speedrun Discord can be found here: https://discord.gg/CtHNMdz

Bavaria, GermanyNeZCheese6 years ago

Should we start by discussing things in private? I just sent you a Steam invite.

Send me a PM: http://steamcommunity.com/id/fsnez

NeZCheese Hakkında
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