konu: NieR
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

I am currently working on writing up notes/guide for "NEW GAME" any % (ending A) speed runs. This guide will feature information that I learned from playing the game first hand and doing several runs and also following and analyzing the route, tricks, and strats that Omnigamer used in his World record run Vod which can also be found on the Leaderboards here thanks to his permission.

I hope that in doing so not only will it help me fine tune and learn to play the game better and expand on it as I learn more, but also assist and encourage others to pick up this game and learn to run it as well. I would love to see more people enjoying this game casual first time and then maybe look at speed running this great game that never got and press ever... sorta sad because its very good.

Currently the Leaderboards are very fresh and will be changed later on, but as right now they have the two main runs that routes can be done for. Other routes and run types can come as more people wanna join in on the competitiveness and fun that keeps us wanting to do speed running.

Anyways I'm currently only about halfway through analyzing the vod(s) at the time of first writing this, and so far it seems fairly detailed as far as note worthy things go. I will have this done as soon as possible and then start using this to do better runs after some practice of course.

I look forward to getting a save file set up for "NEW GAME+" and going for the 100% (ending D) runs. This set up will take some time as I need to set myself up to get all the weapons minus 1 easy to get one. so I will need most likely a fresh file to grind out on as I skip most of the not needed weapons for the any % runs to save time. And maybe down the line I'll do a some SNG Ending B runs depending how much the ending route stays similar for NG+.

In the future I will also be getting a hold of the JAP ps3 only version and doing some runs on that as well and but the hard to get original OST and maybe the alts. these versions cost allot since they did not make many of them nor are around anymore, plus they come mostly from Japan retailers.

.> and I still need to get a hold of a ps3 and a ps2 with a proper upscaler or w/e to stream and record those for when I want to play the older DrakenGuard games. ¤ if you have these(and are willing to part with them) or know where i can get them from please let me know thanks ¤ =)

Anyways looking forward to the runs ahead, and to everyone else that runs a game or that part of the community I love you and keep at it and have fun. <3

~ M A S H

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

So yeah super late Introduction, I'm sorry =( I've been lurking around here for some time then finally joined the community and started to pick up speed running games myself since I enjoyed allot of older games I played but also wanted to play them again with a bit of a purpose for more fun/enjoyment from them.

Here's a brief how I have come to this community and the people I met/talked to along the way; =)

So I have spent a heavy amount of time watching allot of runners over the many years, started with Rudy. Which lead to me watching SGDQ and AGDQ for the past 3+ years. After that I lurked a lot of the run vods from SDA and kept up with watching the events they did every year since then. Saw some awesome people from AGDQ and SGDQ, Carci was someone that I enjoyed right away and soon followed a train of awesome people. Got led into Witwix, then over Broman, Jon. Through Carci , I found that there were loads of other horror game lovers and runners.

So what I'm really saying is that "ONE" awesome "THING" "LED" me "TO" "MORE" awesome "THINGS" and the cycle continued to this day. and then I ended up here.

I really enjoy watching allot of these runs and the support people give and help others get with just doing something they want to do for whatever the reasons may be.

Sorry... the earlier ramblings....

So what am I doing currently.. well allot of things. Speed running specifically, I am new to the actually doing runs myself. I'm currently loving my re-visit to NIER, playing it again and speed running it for me is allot of fun since I enjoy the game allot. Omnigamer has been a pretty big help thanks to Rudy telling me about the WR hold. I met some people that also liked the game and their support so far has been very encouraging. I hope others will pick up and play this gem and maybe also run it.

I'm also trying my hands with REV 2 Raid mode, as I enjoy the quick race/gauntlet style gameplay. I don't have anything to heavily invested into it as I am just trying to get my saves set up for it.

I think generally I love games that have interesting or even bizarre story that can keep me wanting to know more or care about the characters that keeps me playing those games. Most other games I play would just be for simple or fun gameplay. I do not only enjoy RPG's , but they generally are the ones with more heavy story which I enjoy. I like action games for the intense quick moments you get etc. all other games are basically a case by case thing. Tho i strongly dislike allot of shooters,sports or driving related games since they appear to become stale rather quickly for me.

Anyways I hope to continue meeting more amazing people around here, and also work on speed running more games in the future.

~ btw its okay not to like me, I'll still love you. <3


Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

thats gonna be something i wont enjoy. =( But looking forward to the challenge then.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

If possible this topic should be moved to Raid Mode section. <3

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

well yup eventually lvl rushing in coop will be good. <3 can't wait to start farming more as well.

Recent Raid mode run video is up on main post. older videos will come down once the next goes up. As to keep it from being a long post.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Yeah I get what you are saying, yes that would mean we should not even have any%, but i was just voicing a possible concern. But thanks for commenting on that. <3

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

One thing we need to make sure that we establish is a set rules for raid runs. I was thinking to keep things fair and competitive without too much bs;

  • Your character levels must match the recommended stage level or be lower. This would keep people from taking a walk in the park on lower level stages without some actual challenge with the game setting you to that level with your gear as well which sync to your character lvl. This should apply for all runs in raid mode, i know this is a requirement for a medal in the run but it would keep the runs in line and keep it competitive for people who do not have lvl 100 characters right away. Also this would stop someone from playing Gauntlet I - Stage 01 with a level 100 character when the stage is set to be lvl 1. That would ruin the point of having a challenge and learning to use better setups for your play-styles/characters.


Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

I was looking for games to start playing / running. Revelations seemed like a good start, And I am in love with Raid Mode since Rev 1. It just got so much better tho in Rev2. Looking forward to getting characters higher levels and better setups etc, the only ways besides practice and stratz to get better times for RTA runs.

~ #BlameCarci

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Well I already started doing practice runs. And started a threat there to tack them or let you guys see what im doing... i dunno but ya can't wait for co-op and see if anyone wants to do those.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

If its fine with you folks, I'll post all my recent Raid Mode Runs in this thread. Watch them, don't watch them. You decide they will be here if allowed. I will most likely only keep the most recent runs or serious ones that I will submit if I ever think they are worthy of that.

~ Word of warning, I have a tendency to swear unintentionally. If that offends you please do not watch the videos then, I'm sorry. Clean videos will be done in more serious future runs. ~

StevenMayte bunu beğeniyor
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Yeah when it comes down to some of the bosses in raid mode stages having the ability to pump a magnum into a death machine is gonna be a key thing.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

That is interesting so there are some very rare Modifiers that some threats can have that we are still finding then, so there is allot of variation in runs that can happen for sure.

Okay so Rainbow Album disc are not always a lvl 100 but always generally very good compared to any of the equivalent lvl weapons at other rarities then.

Yeah I will add those modifiers to the list, but I don't know what to call them... Maybe "Vortex" for the the modifier that pulls you toward the threat, and "Thief" for the one that makes you drop your guns...?

I can't wait to see what else will show up in Raid Mode for sure. =)

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

"BP" is a single-player mode currency tho I'm sure you and most people know that, the Raid Mode currency is called "Raid Gold" which is what the game refer to it as now since Revelations 2 changes to Raid Mode.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Upgrades are capped for skills some at 1 some at 10 and most at 20. So that's fair enough to use what ever skills you find benefit your run for a Gauntlet to get your times. Showing your load-outs should be required before the run and also maybe after.

I think that doing the PC and Console version split up is good but keep it all in one board. Runs should be done through Each Gauntlet and I think RTA or sum of IGT would be fine. I personally lean a bit more to RTA. The one thing that would make IGT hard to do is that if you already have a faster time on some stages unless you pause and write down that time it would be very hard to show that in a run video for Verification when you could just keep a live timer going. just my thoughts on that. No revives self explanatory really, but when a stage lasts around 5 minutes and a full Gauntlet is around 30 minutes, why bother.

I know some of the stages in a Gauntlet require to kill all enemies but you are not forced to not use healing unless you want the 100% for medals. so I would have both categories for them. Both any% and 100% would have allot of variation to how people would approach them.

Co-op should require both runners to submit a video from there perspective with the exception that you do them split-screen then in that case you only need 1 video.

Same stuff I went over about before but posting them all in here for your purpose. =)

I can and most likely will do up an example layout in a doc for how they could be setup to help out with ideas or w/e.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

that is interesting, those could be the the best rarity of album discs you can get then since they appear to have all 3 stars on them. Thanks tho for finding that video. I can't wait to have one drop for me now.

There is a new Threat modifier I have found, not sure what to call it tho. But the threat with this modifier appears to pulsate almost a solid blue and can pull you towards itself. The icon for this modifier is a bit strange almost looks like a net to me, it should be in a recent video of mine and I'll pull it as soon as I can so we can see.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

@Celestics The revive thing I never got around to testing because I never wanted to use one. I just quit and start from scratch again anyways, I think the runs should be done deathless anyways because people would abuse the instant ammo refill etc on the stages in that case. Sine most people have limit revives unless you buy them so I would still insist on deathless, But thanks for clarifying that.

@StevenMayte Rainbow guns.... I know they can be found as an assortment of colors which can have parts already in on the weapons at higher levels. I also did not cover all the colors only the ones That I have found so far. If you found some other colors if you can screen shot it or even find a reference of that, would be super awesome to see.

And thank you guys for the the additional info. =) Much appreciated, I will be doing allot of raid mode because I enjoy it, and now at the higher levels it really gets crazy with the threats and modifiers they can have and the number of them they can get.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

So I've gotten my first character almost to level 40's. And I noticed that better Weapon variations started showing up in chests as well as rare Album discs. This starts to occur around lvl 30-35 and onward. I also managed to so far obtain 50 completion medals. I am shooting to hit 100+ next. (Completion medals are the 100% stage clears)

As far as what I'm thinking of how the runs should be set up; They should be done by Gauntlet Level I,II,III,IV,V .... etc which will have each Gauntlet set containing 6 stages. Runs should most likely be timed from start(as soon as you gain control) of the first stage of a gauntlet and stop once the 6th stage is cleared.(as soon as you lose control and hit the goal) Alternatively you could time the start as soon as you gain control and then pause the time as soon as you hit the goal in each stage to count only the time lapsing as you are in-control. Thoughts on that, still not 100% sure but Method 1 seems to look like it would work best. As for the Difficulty variations to each Gauntlet set, those should also be separated from normal version of the gauntlets etc.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

So I really just wanted to put out a bit of info on Raid mode for Revelations 2. I'm fairly new to speed running in general but I do enjoy watching allot. I really delved into Raid mode, and have been toiling over how to explain it as a whole to someone that would not know much about it or what may have changed since Revelations 1.

To start of lets talk about what is "Raid Mode". ¤ "Raid Mode" is NOT what some think of as "Mercenaries Mode" , Mercenaries is a Score attack game mode and does not share any similarity which what "Raid Mode" actually is. With that understood Raids in Revelations 2 are set up as a Gauntlet style level rush campaign that has ONE very clear goal. That "Goal" is to get the end of the mission as fast as possible before time expires. Gauntlets are comprised of 6 stages each. The missions most commonly start with 10 minutes on the clock and should normally average around 5 minutes with standard challenge. Missions can have set restrictions such as: "No Respawns" or "Kill all Enemies" etc. These are the primary governing focus of what that mission will entail during your trek to the Goal. During the mission you will sometimes be required to eliminate all threats for that area to advance and be given a key to unlock the next section. So in all that said, Raid mode is more or less a race to the finish line at the end of that level while fighting off threats.

¤ The Goals [ Medals and what they are ] "Medals" are earned by completing a set goal or challenge while trekking through the mission to get to the end to beat it. Each mission in each Gauntlet has 5 possible "Medals", to earn the medals that you may have acquired you must complete the mission and reach the "Goal". So... what are the 5 "Medals" that you can get in a Raid mission? I will outline them below;

So there is the only 5 medals you can get in a single stage. 100% clears also give a hefty bonus with each of the earned medals with "Raid Gold" and character "XP". Also to note, that collection Completion Medals can also unlock additional Raid mode characters as well and more.

¤ Albums [ Weapons and Parts ] So throughout a stage you will find gold chests that will contain either a weapon or a part for upgrading them, these items are random and varies in types and stats etc. When you get an Album you will have to evaluate the disc at the "JukeBox" machine and pay the small Gold fee to unlock what the item is, or choose to sell it on the spot before your know exactly what it is for a large sum of gold. Once you "Evaluate" the time you will then have it unlocked for use. Take note that there is a limited starting capacity for holding each type of items be it weapon, part or album discs. The only way to hold more is purchasing a storage capacity upgrade with real money. =( Each Album can have a rarity color to indicates what value the item might be. There is at least 6 known colors and the chances for drops are at the moment seeming very random. The colors known so far are: Gold , Green, Black, Red, Blue, Purple. ~ A very rare disc color that can be found is Rainbow which may possibly be the hardest to get, It's report to drop only on "Code Red" difficulty missions.

¤ There are Daily missions but I don't think we need to even go over those as they are just special scenarios that will change each day. One will be playable by any character, and the other a specific character and those would have greater rewards then standard mission raids.

¤ Threat TYPES [ Know thy Enemy ] During Raids when playing you can encounter threats that will have modifiers on them that can make them more challenging to deal with, and this happens pretty randomly and more common on higher difficulties with the rise in challenge. The modifiers that are given to the threats is purely random for the most part as far as I am able to make out thus far. The some types of threat "Modifiers" you can encounter are as follows;

( Killing this threat will remove the modifiers given to the nearby threats )

(You can spot these threats with the laser aimed on it or damaging it )

With that bit of lengthy info on the Modifiers you can run into when fighting off the threats during your trek for the goal. Lets talk briefly about weapon "Parts" .

¤ Parts [ Upgrade components for Weapons ] There is a large amount of different "parts" that you can obtain to upgrade your weapons and each part can range in levels starting at level 1. A few things you should note when using parts and it is outlined in the game, YOU CANNOT SAVE A GUN AND SAVE THE PARTS! You can only choose one or the other if you choose to change your mind and want to put new parts in or use those parts on a different weapon. so basically you will want to MAKE SURE YOU WANNA USE THEM FIRST!

So beyond all that the only real things to talk about know relate to the Characters you can play as and earn XP for and level up as you complete Raids. All the characters have a UNIQUE skill or ability that they start with, if they do not they most likely start with being able to use more weapons or even more bottles. Some characters even have both sides covered but they require higher levels to unlock additional skills or equipment slots. Experimenting with the skills and equipment loadouts for each character will be something each person will need to play with to find the best ways they wish to play those characters. Keep in mind some characters do have easier times with certain starting loadouts.

I cannot think of much else to add as part of the introduction, but down the road I may do a video for this instead to relive people of reading walls of text like this.

I will Cover my thoughts on how I picture Raid Mode being set up for speed running in the next separate post below.

~ I will be updating this with as much information I am able to write and also learn from the game as I play it myself and from other information that comes to my attention, I do hope this will be useful maybe as a FAQ for this particular game mode but the goal was to have something to at least share with people that maybe wanna delve a bit deeper into raid mode then they might not already know things about or to even give new players and idea of what this game mode really is about and how to go through it .

If you have anything to add or feedback let me know, I don't expect myself to know everything or I might have missed some stuff as well.

StevenMayte bunu beğeniyor
MASH Hakkında
ARPGME Organizer, RRLAT Tech Admin, Marathon/Event Staff and Volunteer.
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