Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

If you expect proper help from people that use the software and wish to get that assistance please provide more details on the situation and what you currently are trying to do... maybe some screen shots etc will also help show the problem. I have never had an issue with OBS, and most issues are actually user errors.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Then maybe request to be a moderator of the game and add that in, or if the mods have twitter or something maybe message them about adding that in. Best to only do that if you have a run in progress for it? Just some suggestions.

Trollbear666 bunu beğeniyor
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Generally speaking when starting a timer you just be doing so just before the first real input and end it after the last input, like mentioned before once you need to actually time it to the millisecond which most don't since its fairly uncommon to need, you can always re-time from the starting frame to the last frame of the run. Most else its just getting it down as a practice so you get better at it manually which is how 90% of runs are done anyways, splits in-between are not very important unless your looking to improve certain segments of the games you plan to run. Practice practice practice. Most times splits are done at the earliest and most convenient times in the runs like load screens where you cannot give any input thus allowing a few secs to manually place the split, keep in mind tho the overall time is what really matters for runs unless you plan to improve certain parts of the run.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

on average for when i first started took a few casual runs that were around 7 or more hours each just to get the swing of the mechanics etc, still nor perfected movement and pathing myself yet but I've come down to time more recently in around 4:30:00 that's 4 hrs and 30 minutes, the World record being 3 hrs and 15 minutes if I recall. The main differences between the versions is the regular one PAL, US etc any of them that are not JPN are using the same version of the game, the JPN version will obviously have faster text speeds and also differ by story-line a bit considering they altered the backgrounds and design of the main characters for that version only.

I have yet to official run Replicant myself but from what I have seen the times from that one to the Gestalt version is significant enough to have me think to be separated as it stands to be only for ps3 and in JPN only.

I have notes that I have finished up, I am following them myself and looking over them encase I missed something which i could have easily. another thing is they currently are not pretty at all but detailed enough to walk pretty much anyone who has not played the game through it I think without actually spoiling anything major as far as story goes.

I currently only run ANY % myself but, I am working on doing 100% and other ones down the road. Be nice to see more people enjoy this game with me as well and who knows maybe someone will figure out some more interesting tricks or w/e that Omnigamer has not yet, currently he only uses 2 known tricks, 1 of which does not really matter much, the other is sorta tricky but uses some of the basic set up from the smaller one.

Get a hold of me on Twitter as its to best way to keep in contact and we can discuss things more etc, maybe do some fun runs or races, or I can even walk through the game with you if you'd like sometime and explain what I have learned etc.

konu: NieR
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Blank Splits are up at the resource section. They are loosely based from Omnigamer's WR run vod.

konu: NieR
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

¤ Anyone that wants to discuss rules / rulings on categories or suggest rules and/or categories, can do so here.

¤ Runs are required to be submitted with RTA, and verifiable in-game time where applicable.

¤ Make sure that you submit the proper platform and Version played. Non-JPN versions are "Gestalt". JPN versions are "Replicant".

¤ Any % - this is the default New Game run from the very begin to the end using a fresh file.

¤ True Ending - this is the Final Ending of the game, which Starts from a fresh file.

¤ New Game+ - this is a continuation of a previously beaten file.

~ M A S H

konu: NieR
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

The Leaderboards have been reorganized to separate the PS3 JPN-Only Replicant Version of the game from the other versions, We will use the Level-Leaderboard layout to keep things easier to submit. I know it does not look as pretty as the Full Game layout is and it should, but due to the game having a alternate version for the PS3 in JPN that version will obviously be faster just in general without the other differences. If you would like to comment and suggest changes please do.

I will be putting up a Post in the Nier forum with some outlined rules that can be elaborated on by runners of this game, please check them over first and ask any questions before submitting a run.

I have added 2 misc categories to the LeaderBoards, (these are not the main runs most people do.) NG+ Ending B - This ending is achieved by play-through the game again for the first time on your previous New Game save file. NG+ Ending C - This is an optional ending that can be achieved once certain requirements are met, you must start this from a completed New Game or New Game+ save file.

I recommend that runners start with Any % as it is the core run and easier to learn being straight from start to finish, the NG+ runs start at the games halfway point and things are somewhat diferent depending on the ending you are running for. (all other NG+ endings besides B, require some set up to complete before the actual run.)

Anyways, I hope to have the new notes and splits up for people soon.

~ M A S H

konu: NieR
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

The notes/guide or whatever someone wants to call it, is done. I will pretty it up a bit, proof it a little and organize and structure it a bit more before I post the link to it here and upload it as well.

It's only to be looked at for referencing etc... kinda like a walk-through I suppose it is pretty straight forward and detailed enough hopefully for others to understand. If not please let me know how to improve it or if I'm missing something to add to it.

I will put the link in this Post later on when it's ready.

  • I will be also uploading splits later with 2 route versions, A similar Split set up following Omnigamer's Official WR risky route that normally uses his tricks. My personal Splits which have a re-ordered end game splits compared to Omnigamer's.

I will also be starting on setting up my NG+ file for the other ending runs mostly D. And will be doing that as sorta casual play and just general gameplay.

~ M A S H

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Sadly the game is only on console yes. =( But if you have either a ps3 or 360 getting the game might be a bit challenging to find, you could buy it online for a bit more then $10 for the 360 version and around $20 for the ps3 non Jap version. I'll be getting the other versions at some point down the road, till then I'll use what I have currently. But thanks for taking a look.

I also put up a snippet sample of the Notes/Guide I'm almost finished writing for the game. It explains a fairly complex trick that is easy to do but very hard to do right, failing it usually results in lost time.

Maybe in the future you will play the game even just for the enjoyment of stories and fairy-tales? =)

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

If only I was able to capture my MH4 from my 3ds, id be looking into running the missions. Good suggestions tho sir. <3 Heck everyone has good ones.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Recently I started back playing Nier which RTA times everything from load and save scenes, load screens/ transfers and every cutscene and dialog section and including end credits all the way up to the last save it gives after that gives the final time as soon as you select to save. give or take about a few minutes from the actual unskipable credits at end and another 30s or so for the last save you can make the final shown time is fairly accurate to RTA timing.

Anyways pretty much any game that shows and or gives time at the end is good. (Ex; Resident Evil games )

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Just practicing enough and learning to split at more appropriate times is what most runners continue to do and get better with it. Most times its best time hit the split at loading screens which are not skip-able in games etc. Another thing to note is that the only real split time that matter are when you start the game before you make your first input, and at the end of the game after the last possible input. Those are the only ones that truly matter as they define the actual time you get.

Anyways keep at it, I'm still fairly new to actual running but have been around lurking in the running community for awhile now. =)

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Just making a post to see if anyone else would like to learn to run Nier at all and or learn with me as well? It's a fairly unknown game thanks to poor press and localization, but it is a very underrated and overlooked game. It's part of the DrakenGuard Series of games, its a spin-off one of the many endings the games have. ( there is also no DrakenGuard Series section either but again mostly due to being unknown. )

Anyways I'm currently going threw my lastest runs and the WR one done by Omnigamer. I am writing out notes/guide to assist in learning the game for newcomers and to hopefully teach new tricks and optimal splits/routes. ( think of it as a spring board to get people going, that just have not played the game enough to know all the stuff. ) Anyways if you are interested you can check out the official post here: http://www.speedrun.com/NIER/thread/gfwny And drop a message or w/e and I would love to see more interested people maybe pick it up or watch and or compete in the runs.

Anyways thanks guys and looking forward to working more with the community of runners in the future ahead. =) ~ M A S H

konu: NieR
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

I am currently working on writing up notes/guide for "NEW GAME" any % (ending A) speed runs. This guide will feature information that I learned from playing the game first hand and doing several runs and also following and analyzing the route, tricks, and strats that Omnigamer used in his World record run Vod which can also be found on the Leaderboards here thanks to his permission.

I hope that in doing so not only will it help me fine tune and learn to play the game better and expand on it as I learn more, but also assist and encourage others to pick up this game and learn to run it as well. I would love to see more people enjoying this game casual first time and then maybe look at speed running this great game that never got and press ever... sorta sad because its very good.

Currently the Leaderboards are very fresh and will be changed later on, but as right now they have the two main runs that routes can be done for. Other routes and run types can come as more people wanna join in on the competitiveness and fun that keeps us wanting to do speed running.

Anyways I'm currently only about halfway through analyzing the vod(s) at the time of first writing this, and so far it seems fairly detailed as far as note worthy things go. I will have this done as soon as possible and then start using this to do better runs after some practice of course.

I look forward to getting a save file set up for "NEW GAME+" and going for the 100% (ending D) runs. This set up will take some time as I need to set myself up to get all the weapons minus 1 easy to get one. so I will need most likely a fresh file to grind out on as I skip most of the not needed weapons for the any % runs to save time. And maybe down the line I'll do a some SNG Ending B runs depending how much the ending route stays similar for NG+.

In the future I will also be getting a hold of the JAP ps3 only version and doing some runs on that as well and but the hard to get original OST and maybe the alts. these versions cost allot since they did not make many of them nor are around anymore, plus they come mostly from Japan retailers.

.> and I still need to get a hold of a ps3 and a ps2 with a proper upscaler or w/e to stream and record those for when I want to play the older DrakenGuard games. ¤ if you have these(and are willing to part with them) or know where i can get them from please let me know thanks ¤ =)

Anyways looking forward to the runs ahead, and to everyone else that runs a game or that part of the community I love you and keep at it and have fun. <3

~ M A S H

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

So yeah super late Introduction, I'm sorry =( I've been lurking around here for some time then finally joined the community and started to pick up speed running games myself since I enjoyed allot of older games I played but also wanted to play them again with a bit of a purpose for more fun/enjoyment from them.

Here's a brief how I have come to this community and the people I met/talked to along the way; =)

So I have spent a heavy amount of time watching allot of runners over the many years, started with Rudy. Which lead to me watching SGDQ and AGDQ for the past 3+ years. After that I lurked a lot of the run vods from SDA and kept up with watching the events they did every year since then. Saw some awesome people from AGDQ and SGDQ, Carci was someone that I enjoyed right away and soon followed a train of awesome people. Got led into Witwix, then over Broman, Jon. Through Carci , I found that there were loads of other horror game lovers and runners.

So what I'm really saying is that "ONE" awesome "THING" "LED" me "TO" "MORE" awesome "THINGS" and the cycle continued to this day. and then I ended up here.

I really enjoy watching allot of these runs and the support people give and help others get with just doing something they want to do for whatever the reasons may be.

Sorry... the earlier ramblings....

So what am I doing currently.. well allot of things. Speed running specifically, I am new to the actually doing runs myself. I'm currently loving my re-visit to NIER, playing it again and speed running it for me is allot of fun since I enjoy the game allot. Omnigamer has been a pretty big help thanks to Rudy telling me about the WR hold. I met some people that also liked the game and their support so far has been very encouraging. I hope others will pick up and play this gem and maybe also run it.

I'm also trying my hands with REV 2 Raid mode, as I enjoy the quick race/gauntlet style gameplay. I don't have anything to heavily invested into it as I am just trying to get my saves set up for it.

I think generally I love games that have interesting or even bizarre story that can keep me wanting to know more or care about the characters that keeps me playing those games. Most other games I play would just be for simple or fun gameplay. I do not only enjoy RPG's , but they generally are the ones with more heavy story which I enjoy. I like action games for the intense quick moments you get etc. all other games are basically a case by case thing. Tho i strongly dislike allot of shooters,sports or driving related games since they appear to become stale rather quickly for me.

Anyways I hope to continue meeting more amazing people around here, and also work on speed running more games in the future.

~ btw its okay not to like me, I'll still love you. <3


Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

thats gonna be something i wont enjoy. =( But looking forward to the challenge then.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

If possible this topic should be moved to Raid Mode section. <3

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

well yup eventually lvl rushing in coop will be good. <3 can't wait to start farming more as well.

Recent Raid mode run video is up on main post. older videos will come down once the next goes up. As to keep it from being a long post.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Yeah I get what you are saying, yes that would mean we should not even have any%, but i was just voicing a possible concern. But thanks for commenting on that. <3

MASH Hakkında
ARPGME Organizer, RRLAT Tech Admin, Marathon/Event Staff and Volunteer.
9 years ago
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