Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

If you would've looked at fastest video for mushroom cup (which is almost 50 seconds slower than the site's best) you could've seen that all his track times are faster than your run. Then, by checking rules, you can read that there's a different timing, starting from when you start the cup to ending when you cross the finish line after finishing last lap on the last track.

smallvans bunu beğeniyor
Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

Yes. Feel free to read the main post when this rule got announced - https://www.speedrun.com/mkdd/thread/xqzu3

Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

I am not adding these kind of arbitrary categories to the leaderboard.

marcine ve Spielpro bunu beğendi
Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago
  1. The timing is displayed in the rules per category, but let me explain it here as well: You start the RTA timing when you start the cup. This means you first see the red box "OK?" at the top, and then you press A again and start the cup, thus also starting the timer. Timing ends on when you cross the finish line in the last track of the cup.

In Game Time (IGT) is the final time displayed by the game at the end of the cup. The reason we also use RTA is to make sure everyone is playing 60hz and is not taking any breaks between gameplay.

  1. Yes, as the rules display only top 10 runs require video. I've been thinking about changing this but for now this is still the case.

As for your other question, it depends. If you know for a fact that you mashed A all throughout the all cup tour, feel free to add ~6m and 20s to your IGT to get your RTA. If you're not 100% sure, I'd recommend just doing another run and making sure the timing is correct.

Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

Most of these top players are known, besides it's really hard to record MKDS footage. It's common in MK speedrunning to have times without video -- and if there's any suspicious times I always require some kind of proof of skill

Imaproshaman, LeRemiii ve 3 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

To add on to this, he submitted a run, done in 100cc, that was 1 minute faster than the current 100cc WR. His RTA was completely different from any other cup run compared to his IGT. Obviously I have rejected his run and required video proof for his next submission. So far I haven't heard back.

Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

[quote]All of those reasons are untrue if you have a good moderator and gonna I'm not asking to be moderator in smk. I honestly suck at smk but Mario kart 7 is different for me because I'm really good at that game.[/quote] I won't comment on your proclaimed skill level but that's not the only thing you need.

You asked for downsides of adding a mod, and that's them. In a perfect world we'd have a mod team full of people who would be active all the time and be completely in harmony with their opinions of how the leaderboard should be ran. However that's obviously not a possibility and thus to avoid conflict, inconsistent ruling and other disasters mod teams are often kept with quality over quantity.

I'm not saying a new mod should not be added. However I'm also saying that adding a new mod is not necessary seeing the activity on these leaderboards.

[quote]@Goomba Why would they ask to be mod then?[/quote] I wish I knew but sometimes people just claim they know stuff (or don't even claim anything) and just ask for mod (See literally top of this thread). Obviously that's not going to happen and when a good opportunity for a new mod presents itself it'll come.

Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

Downsides of adding more mods are:

  • Quality of verification (Does the mod know what they're approving? Do they have a realistic grasp of possible times? etc)

  • Community leader (Are they in sync with the will of the general SMK community (Time Trial)? Do they know how to properly handle possible scenarios in the future?)

A mod has authority and thus should be well-equipped in order to handle every situation in a relatively professional manner.

Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

You're literally going around the forum asking for mod and I made fun of it I don't understand how this is looking too much in to it? But hey yeah let's allow you to spam every MK forum asking for mod because that's a fantastic contribution to the already golden discussions on these remarkable forums

Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

Which cynda has already explained to you multiple times, yet you keep spamming these forums asking for mod or your run to be verified. It's pathetic and no one will take you seriously

Francesco ve CyndaKill-SH bunu beğendi
Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

i'd do anything senpai lafungo~ >///< i went all the way to smk boards to comment on this 3 month old update that's totally irrelevant to the question I want to ask which is not going to happen TT_TT owo

CyndaKill-SH bunu beğeniyor
Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

Having a time 2 seconds away from WR doesn't mean anything without context. If you think they're out there - go find them! Seriously, making a speedrun.com forum post (while the mk7 community is actually on the players page or mk7 discord) is not going to help. It's why I made the fake claim that sub 1h sunshine any% would be possible because the glitches are 'out there'. There's no use saying "There are things to be found" just to let other people do it, and especially not in that big of a margin.

I see you rightfully ignored the other part of my post so I'll just assume that's taken care of now?

Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

Ok this is too good to be true so in order to answer your hurt feelings because I was just making fun of this "X is possible" statement let's break it down, yes?

[quote]Look it you disagree with me you don't have to say anything.[/quote] A forum is for discussion. Imagine, someone who doesn't agree with you comments :OO

[quote]I said in my original post it's not currently possible.[/quote] Just gonna reply to this with a quote from my previous post: [quote]in other news guys i think sub 1h is possible in super mario sunshine >>we just gotta skip a lot that's all im not saying it's possible right now though<<[/quote]

[quote]Also I know almost everything there is to know about mk7[/quote] nice man that's sick

[quote]but I've probably played more Mario kart than you[/quote] I'd recommend checking out my profile, if you want I could give you an in-depth explanation of who I am and my experience with MK

[quote]Just think about that before you go out calling some one a noob.[/quote] I never even called you a noob, so I'm not sure where that's coming from. Maybe newguy1337? You've only been around here for 3 months, I wouldn't say that's a lot now is it?

M_oon, Francesco, ve TicTacBean bunu beğendi
Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

that still doesn't deny what you're saying is just nonsense though, besides, anyone with a shit ton of hours into the game can still not know jack about the game. In fact, if you've put in 600 hours it's probably known that unless something INSANE happens it won't be possible

WR is 1h20 with glitches atm, right? so we'd have to save 21m sum of no-glitch TT WRs is 55 min (with shrooms) and there's like 15s of loading before each track in All Cups all known TT glitches save less than 2 minutes at WR level and some of them require specific kart combos that aren't viable for speedruns

now I'm not too familiar with GP only skips but eh dunno if ur planning to come up with a wrong warp

Rioyner bunu beğeniyor
Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

He said he did 30 runs in total, where his sum of best is a 9:28. Please don't claim WR

UrBoyDragon, Francesco, ve Rioyner bunu beğendi
Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

hey guys it's me newguy1337 guys let's just find 20 minutes of skips guys come on just put in some effort nobody has done that before

in other news guys i think sub 1h is possible in super mario sunshine we just gotta skip a lot that's all im not saying it's possible right now though

IlluminaTea, UrBoyDragon ve 3 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

Really depends on what you have unlocked. If you only have unlocked the barrel train and go to babies, then hit left, it'll only take 6 moves to be on the barrel train.

If you have everything unlocked it's double toads + 2 taps left, being 8 moves

Omar bunu beğeniyor
Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

From the statistics: "Number of recent runs: 1." Pretty sure that doesn't need another mod, lol

That's coming from me running MKDD solo with having 30 recent runs, and that's still easily manageable.

dan__h, jonsku1, ve Lafungo bunu beğendi
Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

[quote]Also, if you were to switch to IGT, couldn't you still mandate that an RTA is submitted[/quote] Might as well stick to RTA then as that would still be the main factor.

[quote]All runs must require video.[/quote] Personally when I got into MKDD it was my first speedgame and I found it really cool I could submit times without having to record it. Setting up your phone to record can be a hassle as well. Also some times (in my opinion) aren't even worth a video.

[quote]At minimum a picture of their results screen along with splits would work.[/quote] While that might be an alright way to require proof, I still have a few things against it.

  1. I'm a mod for MKDS as well and there are a billion runs I have to reject because we require a picture of IGT. I already reject a bunch of runs for not having RTA, so I don't want to add up on top of that.
  2. It's another step for runners to do. While still relatively low effort, it might just bump up the bar for people trying to get into it. Even though we know (and probably runners as well) that it's low effort, people just don't want to take that extra step. MKDD Activity is not that high right now, especially not in top range.

Edit: Also to add to that I've been noticing the higher people climb, the more they're inclined to prove themselves. I also kinda want this to have the same atmosphere as the players page, where proof isn't required but once you enter ~top 100 on the time trial leaderboards you should definitely consider recording a few videos. 3. So far I have not had any trouble with fake times, and if they're suspicious I will reject anyway, requiring a picture of IGT, or if higher, a video showing off their skill.

Lately a lot of the more popular leaderboards have required video proof on everything, or at least some way to do it. To me, the Mario Kart franchise (especially the classic ones) always have had a nice community around it based on trust (see Players Page). I'd encourage people to submit their IGT or record their gameplay, but I don't think I would want to enforce it, as to me the drawbacks outweigh the return of it.

RedBeerd, cheerios ve 4 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Gelderland, NetherlandsGoomba5 years ago

Hello everyone, a few things:

  1. RTA is mandatory when submitting runs. This is to check that the run is done in 60hz, without any breaks. Were we to switch to mandatory IGT, either we would have to allow 50hz and taking breaks in runs, or require every submission to have video. I'd like to hear everyone's opinion on this.

  2. Don't submit RTA milliseconds. Human timing isn't accurate, and because tenths don't look good on sr.com, please leave them out. If there's a tie, just look at IGT.

  3. The current video proof standard is top 10 runs. However, this rule was made way back before MKDD got a lot of newer players and submissions. Should this be changed to a certain time barrier? Or is top 10 still fine?

Please let me know your thoughts in this thread.

Goomba Hakkında
not active anymore don't submit runs I haven't submitted myself
9 years ago
4 days ago
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