Livesplit gametime not starting on character creation
2 years ago

Why is my timer not starting can anyone help me out? am i missing something? Im using the IGT tool + server component everything seems to run just fine. Im also activating the load removal(by waifu) on "edit splits". First i start D2R then the rest. Also comparing against game time under control. Am i missing something or is it just not working for me for no reason? TY


Try turning off the load removal by wafu, it is not how we currently remove loads. Also, by IGT tool, do you mean diablorun.exe? That is the IGT tool you want.

randomguy1234 likes this

Waifu tool works for D2: LoD only. Currently the D2R server compoment plugin does not automatically start the timer. The next version of the tool is work in progress.

Currently automatically starting the timer is possible with AHK macro. If you know how to run AHK scripts:

Edited by the author 2 years ago
randomguy1234 likes this

got it, thanks.

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