Sound in Speedrun
2 years ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

So, I speedrunned Tekken 7 and, uh, I broke the world record for 1 Star, but theres a terrible echo in the sound file for some reason. This doesn't make the run getting rejected, does it? It's not submitted yet, cuz the file still needs to get uploaded on YouTube.

Virginia, USA

What was your time?

Virginia, USA

The sound shouldnt be a problem as long as the timer and game are visible throughout the video.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

27m 48s 37ms on 1 Star.

Yes, the game and timer are visible.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

idk why but i often pushed start for skipping even though i knew scenes like kazuya cursing g-corp in tekken 5 intro werent skippable

Virginia, USA

then yea you should be fine with the video, skipping the cutscenes effectively is very frustrating cause some are hard to tell

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

ok nice ty for responding (upload still not done lulw)