Laika_the_Spacedog6 months ago

I recently bought the game and I wanna run it. The current categories, however, don't really make sense to me. I know this topic has been discussed before, but since the discussion happened years ago I'm making a new thread.

I really don't understand why "100%" only disallows driving through red lights and leaving passengers behind, but other penalties are allowed. I think there should be a "No Penalties" category.

Laika_the_Spacedog6 months ago

If you want to get in touch with the developers of The Longing to ask questions about the game, you can join the official Studio Seufz Discord server here:

Laika_the_Spacedog6 months ago

I am super hyped for the release of this game and enjoyed the demo a lot! I assume the demo speedruns are timed RTA because they're not taken that seriously, which is fine. Since I wanna run the game once it comes out, I would like to emphasize how important it would be in my opinion, to have a loadless leaderboard. Out of curiosity, I compared the load times of the first two demo runs and there is already more than two seconds of difference. I'd be happy to be a mod for this game and re-time runs to keep the competition fair for everybody.

Laika_the_Spacedog8 months ago

In my casual playthrough, I took photos of all 5 cats but only 4 registered in the to-do-list. So I think the 100 % run should need to verify itself by looking at the to-do-list after the run like the All Tags world record does.

After doing the JFK-YHZ flight, in the main menu, I can only select the return flight YHZ-JFK. Can a YHZ-JFK flight be submitted to the JFK-YHZ leaderboard, since it's the same distance?

Also, I would like to know why there is a category for JFK-KEF-JFK but none for JFK YHZ-JFK?

Dear mods,

please specify the frames time starts and ends on.

"Time starts on closing the controls screen." Does this mean the first frame the text starts to fade?

"Time ends on the screen turning to black after the buffet." Does this mean:

  • the first frame the screen starts fading to black? or:
  • when the screen has fully turned black?

I didn't enter milliseconds for my latest run because the exact timing was not specified in the rules. The mod who verified my run didn't enter the milliseconds either so my run stands at 000 milliseconds which is not correct. Please check the milliseconds in the future, it's what mods are there for. Thanks!

Why are Sportacus and Stephanie separate categories? Is there a difference in gameplay depending on your character choice?

I have no idea why this is a thing but enjoy:

Does this count for "All Levels"? It's a feature in the game. I did beat all levels, so technically, this is WR. ( ^-^)/

Pat_Speedruns tycker om detta

It's a category on the leaderboards, which version is that? The demo on the itch-io page?

This game has an in-game timer and IGT is shown on the leaderboard. It seems to be sorted by real time however. There are runs that would be higher up on the leaderboard if IGT was the default timing method. If this game has an in-game timer why is it not used to determine leaderboard position?

You can download the game for free here:

If you can, please consider donating to the developer.

When you start a new save file you have to beat every minigame in each area to unlock the Mayor's "test" at the end of the area. That test consists of several minigames you have already done and you need to beat them all in a row without failing one to pass the test and advance to the next area.

In this run however, the test at the end of the second area just didn't happen. I could just go the last area immediately. I have no idea how or why this skip happened and I'm not sure I consider this a new WR.

Maybe I'll make a separate category for this but I'm not sure it makes sense before we figure out how this skip works.

There are timestamps in the video description to skip to the start of the run and to the moment when the skip happens.

gourmet529 tycker om detta

Since this game uses milliseconds to time runs I would like to ask the moderators to provide the exact frames when time starts and end in the game rules. Thank you very much! 🌻🐝

elwiwi, Zarza och 2 andra gillar detta

Today I got a sub 15 run on Level 3 and while cutting the video for upload I noticed how quickly I killed Cobrabot, it just took 20 milliseconds. So I watched the "fight" frame-by-frame and I noticed the boss died before I even pressed the attack button which can be seen on the input display. Here's a video of the frame-by-frame view and my theory that the attack might be "stored" somehow when entering the level while pressing attack. This is worth looking into more because 20 milliseconds is hell of a quick kill.

As of today, the Beat the Game leaderboard uses time without loads. This change was made to ensure fairness among runners regardless of whether they play on PC or Switch (which has longer load times than the average PC) or in case they have a slower PC than other runners. The rules have been updated, please read them to be up-to-date.

The timing for IL runs has been changed to time without loads as well. This means you can now submit level PBs from full-game runs to the IL leaderboard.

Thanks and good luck!

This leaderboard recently got its first run on console. Since the Switch is known for having slower load times than PC I did a sample test to compare the load times of the console run to my own PB on PC. I compared the load times of the Prologue and of Levels 1 and 2. The timing goes as follows: the first frame the selected translation of "No!" starts spinning and shrinking to the last frame that text is spinning and growing after the level transition. Here are the results:

SWITCH: Prologue: 4.866 seconds Level 1: 4.733 seconds Llevel 2: 5.400 seconds Total: 14.999 seconds

PC: Prologue: 4.567 seconds Level 1: 3.633 seconds Level 2: 4.233 seconds Total: 12.433 seconds

That is a difference of 2.5 seconds on the first three levels alone. This will add up over the course of the run. Therefore, I see no other way to ensure fairness for all runners than to switch (pun not intended) the leaderboard to loadless time. If you have a better idea to time out loads than the timing described above please let me know. I'll wait a bit for feedback and then re-time the current runs and adjust the rules.

This run is listed as being 3:39:31 hours long but it's actually 3:39.310 minutes. I guess that should be corrected?

When I became moderator for this game I did not know how runs were timed since the rules did not specify the exact timing. I made rules for frame-perfect timing which don't match exactly with the older times on the leaderboard. So I'm asking the community how to solve this issue. Here are two proposals:

1. Re-time all runs according to the current frame-perfect timing.


2. Change the timing to full seconds, removing milliseconds.

The issue with the first option is the fact that the runs of kojlax don't have video proof anymore and their account has been deleted so there's no way to contact them. How should we solve this problem?

Please answer which option you would prefer. If you have another proposal feel free to discuss it. Please answer until July 8th. Thanks!

IvanderLatidjan tycker om detta

The game is available for free. You can support the developers with a donation on version:

Steam version:

Om Laika_the_Spacedog
The World's Most Bibi Blocksberg Speedrunner 🧹 »Today's mistakes are tomorrow's time saves.« 💜
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