Important Rule & Game Updates (Please Read)
Important Rule & Game Updates (Please Read)
Postad 1 year ago av

While most of our runners are in the Discord, we have come to realize that some of you are not in said Discord for multiple reasons, and because of this have not been made aware of certain rule changes that have been made even if they are reflected in the rules.

So because of that I am going to be trying to keep SRC more up to date on this, as well as other important updates that may come in the future.

Here is a list of the important updates that have been announced in the Discord:

  • As of 20 April 2023 00:20AM GMT+1 both the setup for Dufflebag skip and actually doing dufflebag skip are banned. --- This rule is currently being discussed as we have now ascertained how the strat works, and are currently working towards a solution

  • You may both pause buffer AND swap to 30fps in the Ashley carrying section in order to carry out the animation skips there

  • You may use the DLSS mod for REFramework in order to help improve FPS ---

  • Livesplit is no longer required for PC runs, but it is still strongly recommended. Runs that crash mid chapter will still be invalid.

Also, as many of you know the game was recently patched. This patch fixed almost all of the glitches in the game which effectively makes any% impossible to run on the most current patch.

For PC runners this isn't much of an issue, as there is a way to downpatch the game very easily, there is a guide here on SRC on how to do it -

For console runners however the only real way of doing this is to have the physical copy of the game and play offline. If you can't then I would suggest moving to NMG as running any% will just be automatically slower now.

I also have recently added a guide which has documentation on every current known skip, as well as some skips and tricks that are done in the any% run

I have also added some things to the resources page, including REFramework, SRT's and any% splits (which can also be used for any category if changed up a bit)

We're sorry that we haven't been more transparent with this until now, and we promise to be more upfront regarding this in the future.

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We've added No Bingo to RE4R, some of you may be familiar with something like this from RE3R. It's a new variable on SRC on the main boards and it's now split between Full Game and No Bingo again like RE3R. No Bingo will start just after Bingo time in the little hut just aft

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