blockentities not showing up in f3 when trying to do mapless
2 years ago
United States

For some reason while I was trying to just get ready to do some runs for 1.16.1 rsg, I went to set up my f3 for mapless buried treasure (gamerenderer->level->entities) and I noticed that on the piechart, blockentities was missing. I was in the bastion practice map so I thought it might've been that but I loaded a seed and did /locate for a buried treasure and noticed that blockentities was still missing. Does anyone know why this could be and how to fix it? It's a pretty important strat that is frustrating to have just suddenly stop working for me

commy1337a tycker om detta
Washington, USA

Turn of entity culling if your using sodium

LemonManFR, Abhirup_0 och 2 andra gillar detta

close the f3 and shift+f3 again maybe im a noob but i want help and @autu plz tell joe biden stop his sanction to China


and u are wrong at the order it is gamerenderer-entities-blockentities theres no level

Redigerad av författaren 2 years ago

@CommunismNeverDies you don't push blockentites you just look at it to do mapless

United States

make sur entity culling is off and make sure the pie chart is set to gamerender>level>entities

United States

the problem was entity culling being on because i had updated my sodium, thanks guys <3

Abhirup_0 tycker om detta