Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

I realized there was a slight oversight for the excitebike categories. If you don't beat track 5 faster than 1:14.00 you don't qualify the track (and thus, don't technically complete the run).

That said, I've modified the rules. The current listed runs will stay up as grandfathered runs because of the oversight.

MetalHead нравится это
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

Interesting! I may use this eventually. I feel it could help improve times potentially. :)

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

50,000 and I'd consider it, maybe.

Erik_Sushi, Darpey и 8 другие нравится это
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

It goes brings lot of things to my mind though.

For example, let's say I hooked up two NESes to play smb using 1 controller output to two TVs... one uses romhack and one uses the original cart. Could I do this to know subpixel values that tells me every specific of whether I executed things correctly?

How about if I made a device that just moves my fingers to press the inputs like a TAS? :D

PS: If you tape down the "B" button, you can't press "start" on the title screen to start the game.

Like, Milerski и 6 другие нравится это
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

Personally I would say no, since you're using a physical object to assist you. He does have a small point about using splits though. In the past, I also considered taping down the B button, but never did.

Technically it's controller modification I'd say. I think I would reject a run that had it.

As for splits, sure I guess they help, but what about chat on twitch even then? Like technically, chat can help quite a bit too (let's say they could identify framerules by the coin flash: me). It gets into semantics a little bit.

I just wouldn't classify splits as a "tool" necessarily when there's also a way to identify the same thing in-game,

Thelxinoe и Like нравится это
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

I've been doing 1-2G attempts a bit more now that I'm working on any% again. Once you've clipped through and need to jump back (move left) to the world 4 pipe, you typically need to do a frame perfect jump in order to prevent Mario from facing leftward.

If you hold left+down while making the turnaround, it forces Mario to face rightward and gives you some leeway on the jump to the left. The only issue might be that it might not be fast enough to save the frame rule if you don't jump frame perfectly. However, I believe it should work and should help slightly with consistency.

The same applies for the walljump in 8-4 by holding right+down while walljumping backwards in order to prevent an accidental walljump turnaround jump.

australian, KingOfJonnyBoy и 7 другие нравится это
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

Just curious, does anyone know exactly why it works on PAL and not NTSC? My theory/guess would be that Mario can jump lower on PAL, but I'm not exactly sure that this is the reason.

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

I like "Any%" + "all levels" + "andrewg%"

Seems fair. Allow everything for any% and andrewg%, and make "all levels" just by banning the vine glitch.

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

I think both should be allowed.

I can see people not wanting suicide code because it's a code though. I'd definitely like to hear others' input.

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

As for continues, I guess I'm in favor of it. I find it amusing because that strategy results in a softlock (so you'd have to reset anyway ;)). I'm amused and happy that this is a thing at least. Lost Levels SNES any% has a similar kind of gimmick, so I'm OK with allowing it.

HOWEVER, this does require use of suicide code. I'm curious people's thoughts on using the suicide code in order to quickly kill yourself (restart any area with full health). Or in the above circumstance. Thoughts?

It's kinda like if you allow one, you have to allow both here.

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

That's neat! Nice work.

RoyLT нравится это
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

A few years back I made this post and recall it happening:

"I'm fairly sure that I didn't imagine this. Back 2 or 3 years ago when I was playing Pro Wrestling, I believe I somehow skipped the number of opponents I faced overall. I swear I only faced 12 opponents when I finished the game. Several things this could be: Using King Slender - it should add 5 matches to the total number of matches, however, I believe that losing in a specific manner may somehow screw this up. I have multiple copies of Pro Wrestling as well, it may have been some sort of version difference. It's at least worth experimenting on, but it may have been some strange fluke?"

However, I have yet to ever duplicate or see this happen again. Thought I would mention it here in case anyone wanted to look into it.

It could have just been my imagination, but I remember thinking it didn't add up right.

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

I'd like to see this implemented across all games. This was actually my suggestion for Twin Galaxies a few months back, but they're idiotic with how they do everything all the time.

Anyway, I like the idea because it contributes more submissions to the lesser leaderboards on games. I wish it were automated because I think people would really like the idea. Updating it for everyone doesn't seem entirely feasible with the amount of submissions we get, but it might be cool to see like the "monthly leader" at the end of each month or something.

Honestly, I always wanted this to be a thing with the exact method used. I think it's a pretty good way to measure ability across all of a games' categories.

Maybe we could create a program to automate the process. I'm not sure everyone would like this kind of leaderboard, but it would be pretty neat to have a leaderboard "master list" for each game on using just the main categories.

SuperSonic, Novawolf и 3 другие нравится это
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG5 years ago

I find it strange that the rules:

  1. Start timing at "start" press.

  2. have a time adjustment rule to U.S. version

  3. I just find it weird that we have a different standard between the timing scheme of SNES SMB1 and SNES Lost Levels. I don't really understand why this is the case.

  4. I'm not so much against this, but is a little atypical. If a small difference between the versions is found later on, it could potentially be a bad thing. For example, with Super Mario World, the J version had a harder orb method that could save time over U.S. The only time difference between the versions was a single text display was only 31 frames. The standard with speedruns these days has just been to use the fastest version to avoid these kind of situations.

Just thought I'd mention it. I personally prefer starting from character control, but I guess it doesn't matter.

Nolmy, Mars02 и 2 другие нравится это
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG6 years ago

Hey Scott! Great to see you post, and I hope you're doing well. Where's your Bionic Commando avatar!? The timing you're referring to is correct. TG started timing from "start" from your 5:17 onward.

I felt like digging back through history a bit. I like to give credit where it's due, and so I wrote the names of a few key people and speedrunners who achieved great times way back in my SDA descriptions. Here's what I found:

This video was posted in 2006, but this race was done sometime in 2002. They are surprisingly good for when this took place. I'm not sure their exact times, but I would guess these are oldest recorded Super Mario Bros. speedruns available.

Wow, more digging and some cross-referencing and I'm realizing that Jason Harmer's old Super Mario Bros 5:09 claimed time was actually recorded. Which he said he achieved sometime in 2006. I would use the race video as a date reference... 4/3/06

So Jason Harmer got a ~5:12 in Super Mario Bros. before 4/3/06 (if you're going off his claim from the interview about the super mario bros race):

youtubeman06, 6regory и 9 другие нравится это
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG6 years ago

Would you reset after each hard track? Would this be individual times added up? Might be fun.

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG6 years ago

I play games for world record most times because it is a fun challenge, but I don't expect WRs even on games I'm good at. It's always a pleasant surprise when it happens.

You need to believe you can get WR to do it and aim for that. However, you need to simultaneously realize that it takes a lot of effort and a ton of time, and that shouldn't be the sole reason for speedrunning a game. Being part of the community is much more fulfilling than getting world records.

chunkySoup, Xander479 и 2 другие нравится это
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG6 years ago

Your final point was what I was about to say. As good as any run is, every run is improvable (with few exceptions). Even when 4:55 happens in SMB, there will always still be frames to save. No category can really ever be dead.

I also believe most can accomplish a wr with enough effort, but that might not be your goal. If it is, it can be a long journey, and is not always possible.

But... Practice makes perfect.

chunkySoup и Picante нравится это
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG6 years ago

Maybe I should make a good tutorial to explain what I do know. This is I think how it works:

  1. The longer the air time, the faster the bike speed
  2. The faster the bounce, the faster the bike speed

Long air times are gained by switching down a lane while going off a triangular (speed) ramp. This lengthens the distance you can cover. Switching up a land while going off a triangular jump shortens the length of your jump, which is not practical for speed but for positioning.

The faster your "left" press when bouncing after going off a speed jump, the faster your bike will travel.

There are definitely things I still don't know about the game though. I know holding forward gains time off ramps, but there can be ways to gain small amounts of time (maybe it's all about the bounces?). I've always felt that the ideal method is to be on the ground as long as possible and always hold forward when going off ramps... I think ideally, you would want to do perfect lands (holding forward) instead of bouncing each time. Hard to explain everything I mean properly without using video or pictures.


  • I think you want to lean the bike all the way forward every time you go off a ramp.
  • After going off a ramp, land on the ground without bouncing if possible (leaned all the way forward)
  • Switch down a lane while going off the triangular (speed) ramps for maximum distance (air time and speed).
  • When bouncing after going off the triangular ramps, press "left" for as little time as possible when landing and continue to do so from that point onward.
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG6 years ago

And to make matters worse, you scheduled it on my birthday. ;)

О AndrewG
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