Vote for board change!
5 years ago
Ohio, USA

Hello everyone. It was brought into question: should xbox360 and ps3 versions of the runs be split into separate categories due to the cut scene skip (glitch) in older versions of the game.

I would like to hear everyone's opinion about the matter before making any changes to the leaderboards.

Thank you all!

Puerto Rico

I don't know how long the time saved from skipping the cutscenes would add up to but I do think that separating the categories is beneficial for the sake of keeping times competitive with one another. It can also make things easier in the event that runners decide to do runs on either a 360 or ps3 emu to keep them on a similar playing field time wise.

This thread also has some community opinions about the categories/emulation.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

As someone who finally got his hands on a working 1.03 version for PS3 and who plans on running the game, I'd say it would be fair.

As far as I could tell, the PS3 version won't allow the cut scene skip, nor will it allow the huge level skip for level 1.

One thing that could be added is a custom variable for version numbers. AFAIK, the only version numbers floating around are 1.00, 1.01, and 1.03.

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