Better Fin Rook No Arm Guide Solo (seeded)
Better Fin Rook No Arm Guide Solo (seeded)
Updated 2 years ago by stupified8900


seed: 3 some sort of pistol (it's the fastest) pistol mastery + steady aim no armor (duh) max intim and condit (intimidation range +conditioning for any people not smart enough to figure that out)

You don't need to pre-ready as Ryan will still be in kitchen for a long time. You can start moving immediately after the red flash, so once you see that press "s" and "a". This will allow you to walk towards the outside door leading to the kitchen. Once your screen clears of the loading picture, you can start moving normally. Don't forget to drop your bag. Your path will be to shoot the door and immediately ADS to intimidate Ryan. Once you are done interrogating him, DO NOT kill Ryan. This is a time-loss and you do not need him dead to start the heli. DO NOT take the hard-drive as you don't need it to start the heli and taking it is a waste of time. Instead, immediately get to the heli for a fast start time. Your path is just to back-track back to spawn and then go straight up the stairs. You only have 5 seconds from opening the safe to the earliest you can start the heli, so make be fast about it. Once heli has been started go back into the building and collect the hard drive and kill/bag Ryan. Now it's just camping simulator.

This is an improvement over JoltedDown's guide. They made a pretty decent one covering the main aspects of what you should do, but left out critical useful tips, some of which are listed below: -you need max intimidation range for a faster interrogation time. -you SHOULD NOT take the hard drive upon opening the safe -you shouldn't press the ready button early as Ryan will still be in kitchen if you don't and your movement will be a lot smoother in the beginning. (You're facing the wrong direction off spawn if you pre-ready, and the game auto changes it, so if you go one direction, a few seconds later you're going a different direction) -The estimated time of completion is off. Should be around 3:03-3:10 not 3:15 (not really a tip, but sitll a mistake)


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