Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

Nobody here is denying anyone the ability to replace a character model and run the game. They just can't submit runs to this leaderboard, because that's what the agreed upon rules are.

Personally I think it's something worth revisiting once we know more about how mods in general interact with the rest of the game (especially audio stuff because I kinda need Mr. X Gonna Give It To Ya). The entire point of enforcing a "no mods" policy is to ensure everyone is running under exactly the same conditions, and if mods like graphics and audio swaps only change the way in which you're experiencing those conditions, they should be fair game IMO. But as @Soulless_Persona pointed out, you're opening Pandora's Box the instant you open the door to any mods, and frankly I don't think there's enough interest in model/audio swaps for someone to do the work to see if those impact any other factors in the game.

NuZ curtiram isso
Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

Late to the party, but it's almost mandatory for controller runners so you can use A and S to do stuff without using controller and keyboard.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

Just hopped in. LadOkapi.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura6 years ago

@vorpal, I'd recommend adding the horizontal platform ejection issues in with the section about high refresh rates, since it took me forever to figure out that's what the issue was and I've been running the game a while. It sucks to get halfway through the run then realize the platforms are ejecting you.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura6 years ago

We already have a randomizer courtesy of -7. It's pretty hilarious to play around with. Shoutouts to getting Dark Cotton Alley in Forest before my hands are even warmed up.

Misteur curtiram isso
Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura6 years ago

Well you're stuck with me now Kappa. I'll be grinding my PB down as fast as possible, gonna try to get some offstream practice in tonight as my better half has requisitioned the gaming rig to play Stellaris with one of her communities.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura6 years ago

1:36 hype. Thanks again for keeping me company, helping out and encouraging in the chat, ShiningDragoon. Again, means a lot to have a runner I look up to a lot being so welcoming and engaging with a scrub like me. :)

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura6 years ago

Hi all. Decided to submit myself to the rigors of Any% (US) for one of my 12 Hour Challenge entries. Blaster Master is a childhood favorite of mine, and I've always enjoyed the game casually. I learned a few of the speed strats for funsies, mainly the deathwarps and the door glitch to clip through the barriers in Areas 4 and 5, but I never actually sat down and put a full run together for reasons I don't actually have (just never did). Area 8 and the final boss are the only real roadblocks I see to my becoming a Real Blaster Master Speedrunner (TM). Any tips or tutorials I should look at for those 2 areas?

Also, what is the preferred emulator for the community? I don't see any information for that here. I don't run any NES games so I don't have one yet - I normally play on 3DSVC but I can't stream that.

Also also, is there a discord link?

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura6 years ago

It won't happen. The leaderboard is cluttered enough as is, it's an arbitrary category. The general consensus is you may as well just run 106%.

Source: was trying to push for more people to run ALL for a while.

ScruffyButtons curtiram isso
Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura7 years ago

Rivatuner doesn't work, I tried it. It's 60hz or bust if you're playing on the current version.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura7 years ago

I don't think Thermospore's ILs work with -7's autosplitter. Thermo manually splits his levels using A and S when he jumps to the next level/back to the map.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura7 years ago

but i don't run this game

Then why are you here stirring the pot?

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura7 years ago

Whatever you're most comfortable with. I personally play on an Afterglow 360 controller and HATE the thing. Bought one about a month ago and I've already worn out the A button playing exclusively SMB. Gonna try to transition to arcade stick in the near future.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura7 years ago

There's no need for sub-categories. It's 1 category with 3 possible ways to complete it. That would be like breaking up an Any% category based on what route you took.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura7 years ago

There's a practice version of the level too that'll help you visualize the timing until you get the muscle memory down.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura7 years ago

Go start your own SMW leaderboard then if you don't like how the mods here handle it.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura7 years ago

Oh good, I only missed the previews. Anyone else want some popcorn?

AntBlueR e Parkraft123 curtiu isso
Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura7 years ago

It's an existing category on the other page for extraneous SMW categories. As are a lot of other silly categories that only 5 people are interested in running.

This board is fine. Go there or to the meme board for other stuff.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura7 years ago

And what version of snes9x is that? You can answer your own question now, armed with this knowledge.

Sobre Mina_Angura
Semi-washed up speedrunner who mostly turns up at speedrunning marathons to play rhythm games instead.
7 years ago
2 days ago
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Blaster Master
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