Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura1 year ago

Ran fine at 1080p the whole way through on my 1070 with default settings. A 3060 will be more than fine.

BlueHarvey curtiram isso
Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura2 years ago

Double check your settings because it absolutely 100% does work.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

More hits registered = more damage per swipe = the 120 FPS knife "does more damage". Just because the knife's damage value doesn't go up at 120 FPS doesn't mean it isn't doing more damage every time you press the attack button. There's no illusion to that - it's hitting more times per swipe, so it's doing more damage overall unless your knife aim is sloppy.

We're all on the same page, it's just a semantics thing. I get picky about these things as someone with a technical writing background, my bad. :P

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

The knife doesn’t do more damage, the game just checks to see if the knife has hit something (I’m not 100% on this). With 120 FPS, it checks (I’m assuming double) more frequently than 60 FPS, giving the illusion as if it’s doing more damage when it’s not. It’s just hitting the object more times than on 60 FPS.

So if 120 FPS knife hits more than 60 FPS knife, how is that not the knife doing more damage? (I know what you're saying, it's just phrased really weird.)

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

If you set up the autosplitter correctly, it'll split for you.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

Built into livesplit, just turn it on and check the relevant splits for that route.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

Hey all, noticed in Resources that nobody has given out premade splits yet. These are helpful for new runners since it gives you a direction and saves you the trouble of making your own splits, and saves existing runners the trouble of typing a lot if they're picking up a new category that doesn't mirror existing splits. Dat lowered barrier of entry, amirite?

Make sure to set your variables accordingly: New Game/NG+, Difficulty, FPS, and system - Character will be correct for obvious reasons, but everything else is set to NG, Standard, 120 because that's what I play. The splits don't change between difficulties and NG/NG+ so there's nothing amiss there - just want to make sure you're saving the right stuff in the right files.

There's a LOT of splits. I don't personally use Subsplits for RE2make, but if you do, these can be easily modified for it (if you use it, you probably know how to do it). It's quite nice if you use Also means there's a lot of button pressing if you don't have the autosplitter, so sorry, console crowd. shrug

I also have SpeedGuidesLive notes for the A scenarios if anyone uses the plugin and is interested. I haven't sat down and made any for B yet.


Feel free to yell at me if I screwed anything up. I haven't actually done a Claire B run yet so I'm not 100% sure on the route, I'm just going off memory from watching a few others stream it.

Mods: feel free to toss this in Resources if you see fit to do so.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

The general route is exactly the same, yes. Boss strats are slightly different due to the knife being less OP (but still very good) at 60fps.

NuZ e YossyHop curtiu isso
Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

You're not supposed to open it. Livesplit uses it to read the memory values to activate the splits.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

Is there even a way ingame to tell what version you're on? I honestly haven't looked for a version number on the main menu.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

It should be an option in your emulator's input settings if it's supported by your emulator.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

Because I don't care that they're banned. But I'm not interested in running with mods either way, so why would I do the work?

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

You haven't provided any evidence that they don't.

Since you're obviously not going to do the work, the discussion is pointless.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

You mean, they did their homework, figured out what was going on, and made a change the entire community wanted once they knew how to do it properly?

surprised Pikachu

Again, why aren't you doing this for RE2 since you're so hellbent on it?

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

Well, as already cited, the Roses & Wine music mod for FF8 totally screwed up that speedrun, and that's just supposed to be a music swap. So what leads you to believe that a character swap would have ZERO impact on the game, when there's evidence otherwise?

Just run the game modded and don't upload times, since you're so hellbent on doing it but don't want to prove that nothing ingame is affected by it. You're the one that wants to do it, so regardless of where burden of proof falls, the audience of people who actually care is, currently, you and you alone.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

Macros are not mods. Cheats are not mods. People who are "trivializing gameplay" are not playing with mods, they are cheating.

Except it was 100% allowed and within the terms of use of the game at the time. So you'd be stupid not to use them since they gave such a large advantage? So EVERYONE used them, and it made the game terribly uninteresting unless your idea of raiding was hitting a 1 button macro for your entire DPS rotation, or clicking on Healbot to keep the entire raid alive without any thought. If it's supported in the game, by default, is it cheating? No, it's not. What started off as a few proof of concepts and interesting projects turned into the game basically playing itself - the community was given an inch, took several miles, and in the end Blizzard had to come out and flat say "this isn't how our game is supposed to be played" and made sweeping changes to the backend that lets mods hook into the game, and put relatively severe restrictions on what you could and couldn't do with a macro.

We're avoiding that entire debacle by just saying "no mods, period" as a community. I already said that if someone was willing to do the work and prove that mods don't mess with the game in a funny way, I'd be willing to entertain the thought. And since you're the only person vocal about it right now, and you have experience modding, you seem like the best guy for the job. Prove that character swaps and whatnot don't negatively impact the game as a speedrun so we can all make an educated and informed decision, instead of whining about how we're all clinging to the past because many of us either come from or know of communities where seemingly harmless modifications have had unintended side effects on the speedrun.

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

Ban it for this board, add NG+ to category extensions if enough people actually want to run it.

tyhill111 e CursedToast curtiu isso
Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

@DaGGeR while I appreciate your point, I contend that DMX should be okay with it, because copyright claims and DMCAs over a music clip is the least gangsta thing possible, and as I understand it, that is probably not how Ruff Ryders roll.

Capcom has referenced it on Twitter, so they're aware. Maybe we'll get it as an official DLC for April Fool's Day or something. shrug

Pennsylvania, USAMina_Angura5 years ago

In all my years creating, installing and playing with mods I have never seen one cause "unknown side effects".

Meanwhile, I've been playing WoW for a decade and a half and distinctly remember entire gameplay systems being redesigned because ingame macros and mods were trivializing gameplay and putting unnecessary stress on the servers. I also distinctly remember crashing Morrowind and Oblivion with mods, and those games support them.

As for the argument in favor of bucking the status quo, I'm against that. The assumption that everyone is running an unmodified game hasn't steered the community wrong yet, and I don't see any valid reason to start allowing mods just because one person wants them. And unlike science, politics, and religion, this is something that has literally no real world impact, so I'm not sure why you think that this is at all related to the advancement of humanity. Not once in history have video games had any impact on a world-changing event, much less being allowed to modify video games for literally no reason other than "I want the actual Claire PSX model".

Sobre Mina_Angura
Semi-washed up speedrunner who mostly turns up at speedrunning marathons to play rhythm games instead.
7 years ago
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