tópico: Talk
United StatesMachination6 years ago

My name has its fair share of history. I started playing online games back in middle school with Roblox(emphasis on "middle school"). I created an account with a name that only a middle school kid could come up with, androidsoldier99. I thought it sounded cool at the time and the "99" was for my birth year, 1999. I also carried that over when I transitioned to playing Minecraft(also, in middle school). However, I noticed that people generally just called me "android" because it was shorter so i figured I might just use that instead. Thus, I shortened the name to "Android99" on my Steam account when I began playing Team Fortress. But then I realized, there's an entire brand named "Android", i don't want people to think I'm associated with them(Not that there's anything wrong with being associated with them. In fact, if I really were associated with them in any professional way, i'd probably be pretty well-off right now. Unfortunately, that's probably not going to happen any time soon).

And so, I tried to come up with a more original name for my internet presence(one of which was "SARCASM_INTENDED" but after using it for a while, I realized that I wasn't exactly as sarcastic as I thought when I came up with it so I scrapped it). Finally, I decided to stick with the whole "Sci-fi/robot/android" theme and thought of "Machination". Although, I realized after the fact that it doesn't really have much to do with robots, despite having a similar root with Machine("Machination" actually means a plot or a ruse with ill intent), but I still think it sounds cool so I'll probably be keeping it for a while.

Gaming_64, YUMmy_Bacon5 e 2 outros curtiu isso
tópico: Speedrunning
United StatesMachination6 years ago

Hey, just wanted to put my two cents into this conversation

I'm all for sharing. As the saying goes, sharing is caring. However, it doesn't hurt to look at the flip side. Say you tried your ass off in order to look for skips in a game and you actually manage to find one(granted, in this context, it doesn't sound like you worked very hard to find it, given the "finished a game casually" and the "accidentally skipped something"). I think it's fairly reasonable to want to claim it as your own intellectual property in more ways than just being credited with the finding. It'd be like incorporating it into your own "skill" in a speedrun. If you think about it, performing an action is never simply based on your skill at that particular instance, it's an accumulation of all of the time and effort that you've put into it. So, why should someone else benefit from your hard work if they haven't put in the time as well?

kyten44 e Peacefroggie curtiu isso
Sobre Machination
6 years ago
5 years ago