tópico: Data Wing
PolandCyrilTheOwl11 months ago

At the time of writing this there are some ILs where the runs have been submitted with the "time" section and didn't have their times put in the IGT section (where it's necessary). This already makes an issue where the runs with their appropriate times being put in "time" and not in "IGT" will be treated as if were the best on a certain IL even if in fact they're not beating the actual WRs. Surely, the times could be manually sorted by IGT by the user. However, in all ILs' leaderboard it can create an issue as in one IL the "WR" doesn't correspond to the correct WR just because the "WR" is set by the "time" and not "IGT".

tópico: Talk
PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago
  1. It's got to be DATA WING. Really cool indie game. When I heard it had its leaderboards on src, I got to speedrunning it after being done with the categories of some other game.
  2. At first I'm going for a non-recorded run without any route or strats. Then a few recorded runs. The next thing is looking for the routes and strats. Sometimes it can also involve practising certain levels. Usually, I try to find the routes myself. Of course, I may look at the guides and other runs at some point, but it's much more rewarding if you find the fastest route yourself. Then, it's just the muscle memory. A few runs and I'm more or less likely to memorise the whole stuff.
  3. Probably the most challenging thing is to avoid deaths and/or restarts. In most cases a death means a huge time loss.
  4. It's more or less about planning what to do. For example, if I have to study for something, there's a high chance I won't be speedrunning as I need to fully focus on revising material for tests or exams. And if I have enough free time, it's a good time for speedrunning. Though it's not just speedrunning. If it's not for procrastination, then it's for writing or drawing. Though I hope I can get back to such creative stuff soon.
  5. I've never been in any such event, but I believe it's down to their minds and coping with pressure. Probably the best thing to do then is to speedrun the game as if one was doing that normally. It's just you and the game.
PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

I've been thinking about moving from YouTube to Twitch. Still not sure when it's gonna happen, but I feel it might be soon. As much as I'm not really worried about transferring the content of my channel to my account on another social media, I'm worried about how that's going to affect my runs. I already have 100+ runs, so it'd be cool if I could retain them all on the leaderboards. Do you think that changing the video link should do the thing when the run is already verified or will it have to be retimed? What should I do to retain the run when transferring the video to another social media? I already got to know with a thread from 3 years ago regarding retiming the runs on Twitch, but it hasn't been promising. Especially since there was nothing about a tool that'd work like YouTube Frame Timer for the YT videos. Has anything changed within that time? Is there currently something like YouTube Frame Timer but on Twitch? If not, then how should I properly retime my runs?

tópico: Speedrunning
PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

There's no doubt the matter of the longest reigning records is a popular topic. But I'm also wondering about the matter of the benchmark times. It won't be anything new (at least for me) to say the not-so-popular games are going to have categories with no runs yet, waiting for the first run to be submitted. However, I'm thinking about the first runs of the categories in the most popular games in case of speedrunning. How long did they usually stay on the top for? What are the most remarkable "benchmark runs" that stood at the top for a long time before anyone else beat such a WR?

PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

Sorry, but isn't it actually Turkey? Qatar kart track looks differently.

PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

As it's commonly known, games run on iOS have faster load times in comparison with their Android versions. UR2D is no exception to this. As I've decided to compare the load times between iOS and Android in UR2D by running one of the secondary categories so that I could wait with the next race until the video of the approved run reached the same point as I did. What I've found out was that the load time difference is around 0.3-0.6 seconds per each track. Since the game is available on various platforms and the load times can be different on each of them, I'm suggesting that the full game runs (unless it's stated in the category rules that IGT counts) should be timed by LRT and that in such a case only the black screen with the word "loading" should be considered a load. The runs that have been submitted in the categories like Time Trial% or the secondary categories with the real life timing would have their time converted into RTA whereas their LRT would be retimed later on.

PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

How about adding the Daytona 500 category? Since Daytona 500 is probably the most important race in NASCAR and Indy 500 category is already a thing, probably adding Daytona 500 would be a cool addition. Of course, it'd have similar rules as in Indy 500 (AI level higher than 70, 200 laps, starting from last, tyre wear 1, soft tyres, no boost), but instead of Formula Speedway cars there'd be stock cars.

Josheyboy curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

I've read some forum posts before writing this one. Apparently, the runs that have been submitted in the category that previously existed and now don't exist are visible on the profile. But if there's an attempt to watch a run, it's impossible. Technically, those runs still exist in the audits. Is it kind of possible to delete those runs if they were submitted by me or not?

PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

Also, since I did some off-recording stuff in the game, I've noticed that in some levels with such a trick it's possible to max the score out. What I mean is reaching a max score for a level. For now I'm not sure in how many levels it's possible to reach a max score, but if the case is the max score can be reached in several levels, then should it be considered to kind of rebrand the XP Highscore category? Either that or deleting a category. I'm gonna be honest; I don't see the point of the XP Highscore category if there is a certain "point score" that cannot be beaten. Of course, there might be glitches that'd allow to get a higher score (though I'm not sure what kind of glitches it'd have to be), but unlike the "time scores", it wouldn't be that relevant to keep the "point scores" if they cannot be any higher. Update: For now I believe a max score can be reached on levels 1-7. Imo, the levels where you can max out the score are the ones where all the enemies have 1 heart or where you get to kill the enemies with the explosive bottle or a bazooka. Not sure about the levels where some enemies have 2 hearts. 3- or more-hearted enemies cannot give you a perfect score unless you get them off the screen, but that can be inconsistent.

PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

Alright then. Thanks for a quick response.

Act_ curtiram isso
PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

While trying to get new highscores I've discovered something that definitely helps getting better scores. Under normal circumstances the player gets 100 points for an enemy hit. And that applies for cases that don't include glitches. Normally, one has to be quick. But to my surprise, if the player tries to draw the trajectory of the next move, the slow-mo is present. With that thing it's much easier to get 100 points per hit. From some point I decided to use such a trick. I don't really consider that category a speedrun, but if it's present, I'm trying it out. But I'd like to ask you about one thing. Should such a trick be allowed or should it be banned? In case it's decided to ban such a trick, I can cancel my attempts that use the trick.

PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

I think the rules regarding some levels in IL leaderboards in XP High Score category. I've discovered that in level 8 it's possible to get the score exceeding 60K but not exceeding 99999 points. Since the current WR in that IL category is below 60K points and I've managed to get a score of over 60K points, how should I submit it?

PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

I've noticed that the Branch Out category is just about completing levels 1-11. Unfortunately, that's not an entire chapter as Branch Out consists of 60 levels, 5 Wall of Pigs levels and 1 bonus level. The matter of defining Branch Out as first 11 levels is already problematic as it can trigger questions about what levels Beach Day is about. And the Full Game category rules state that it's about completing both Branch Out and Beach Day. My idea is as follows:

  • making IL leaderboards with the certain sections of the chapters. By "sections" I mean the walls of levels. For example, Branch Out could be separated into 11 sections. Each section would consist of the levels visible on a single wall (e.g. levels 1-11 make the first section),
  • just so that effort of all the speedrunners isn't lost, I'd opt for moving the current Branch Out times to the already mentioned IL leaderboard of the section "levels 1-11" if possible,
  • how about adding "Walls of Pigs" as a Full Game leaderboard category?
tópico: Grayland
PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

Update to this thread: I've just discovered how that script can be skipped. The last word would be more correct if I put it with quotation marks. The thing is that when the player destroys the sentinel for the first time, the script will be loaded. By "the first time" I mean the first time from opening the game. That means that if the player destroys the sentinel from level 15, then any other attempt on beating level 15 will not load the very same script after destroying the sentinel. That'd require beating level 15 before the run, thus setting up would be necessary. As that'd provide an unfair advantage in the run where an attempt has to be made by beating levels from 1 to 17, I'd opt for rejecting any run that doesn't present the sentinel's crash landing in level 15. Level 16 also presents a script at the beginning where the mech comes in. To skip it one would have to play level 16 before the run. Therefore, I'd also opt for rejecting any run that doesn't present the level 16 script as well. The only set-up that I myself would allow would be the colour choice. In the paid version the player can choose whatever the colour they want. In the free version the option is to either pay for a game, watch an ad or change the colour in level 17 with those "colour switch chambers."

tópico: Speedrunning
PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

To start off, I'm quite new to speedrunning. After noticing one game I had on my phone had its leaderboard on src, I decided to check out whereas I'd be able to match the pace of the record holders. I was also inspired by Summoning Salt's content, so that boosted my will to sign up at src. And I have to admit; even if I got a new PB, I never was fully joyful of it. Of course, there was a point like reaching goals I've set to myself. Reaching them was exciting, but there has always been a bit of disappointment the run wasn't just fast enough. Now that I feel I could drop around 18 more seconds from my current PB, I have simply no idea whether my PB is any good. I could compare my time with other speedrunners if the leaderboards weren't that empty, but even if my runs were much faster than the current WRs (even though they haven't been verified yet), I just feel my runs weren't good enough. Therefore I'm asking how I can determine whether my run was decent or average.

grnts curtiram isso
tópico: Grayland
PolandCyrilTheOwl1 year ago

One time I was playing the game and reached level 15 (2nd level while playing as an alien) I beat the sentinel, but died as at the time my last shot hit the sentinel, the missile was about to hit the alien when the script of the sentinel's crash landing was loaded. The missile hit the alien as I didn't manage to put the shield on and thus I had to fight against the very same sentinel. However, when I beat the sentinel for the second time, there was no cutscene of the sentinel's crash landing as its script had already been loaded the first time I had beaten it. It makes me wonder whether such a script is possible to be skipped without dying.

Sobre CyrilTheOwl
1 year ago
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Ultimate Racing 2D
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