Holy hell i cant get the moon manip consistenly
7 years ago
Kentucky, USA

So so far my runs are pretty consistent with the obvious RNG problems and what not but thats not bothering me, most of my runs fail before they even start because i cant get the moon manip consistently. I saw a bunch of vids on youtube that show inputs, specifically mumpfel's vid and i do exactly what he does but i always seem to fail it. Im not sure if anyone else here has this problem or not but its really annoying me lol


Are your running on console? If yes, then I should check if your cartridge isn't fake. if you run on emulator, you maybe use the wrong EMU or you use the wrong ROM. Another option is that you maybe Bonk somewhere or don't hold A long enough on the moon stone pickup? I suggest making a recording of what you do and let us give it a look :)

Kentucky, USA

No im using an emu, the gambatte specfically. I never actually heard of using a wrong ROM lol I guess i could record a video and show the inputs im doing. :)


Is it just the zubat after the a press or other fails? There are certain frames you save on that gives you certain encounter fails. The manip is not 100% to work.

Kentucky, USA

Heres a vid i just made, maybe you guys can see whats wrong


Have you tries resaving? Also are you buffering the a press to pick up the moonstone? Which means you start holding a while moving to the ball.

Kentucky, USA

so you start holding a before the moonstone?


Yes, the tile you move to you can buffer a and start presses. The same goes for the a press at the end of the manip.

Kentucky, USA

I know about the A press at the end of the manip but i never heard of doing it before the moonstone. thats interesting


Holding (buffering) inputs is a way of playing frame perfect, which is needed for the manip. The a press at the end just adds 2 frames to skip the zubat encounter and get a paras at the end.

Kentucky, USA

Dude. I just did the manip 10 times doing what you said and it didnt fail at all. Youre a life saver man. thanks so much dude!!!


The dutchmen will help you ^^

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