Updates to the ODS Speedrunning Board!!
1 year ago
United States

Hello everyone, I hope you're enjoying your stay on the ODS board!

I shared a forum post a few days ago about a rule change to Toontown Central Toontasks Solo, allowing the use of a secondary toon to assist with the "Make a Friend" Toontask, but for nothing else.

I also was running into issues with modifying the categories on the board itself, but this has been resolved, and this rule is officially in the rules for the category to remove confusion.

I took this chance to also clean up how the rules are displayed to board viewers, so hopefully everything looks a little bit cleaner. I also clarified a bit of how the rules are communicated, although I may be making more changes over the following week or so, so check right below this paragraph for an edit in case there is anything major.

Now, for the biggest change that was made, the separation of Donald's Dreamland Toontasks into three parts!

Now, I doubt anyone will be doing runs of DDL for a while, but I figured I'd future proof it, so let me explain what the three parts of Dreamland are, and the reasoning for separating it into multiple parts.

----What are the three parts of Donald's Dreamland?----

Donald's Dreamland is a long playground, and there are a lot of different tasks. Over the course of the playground, you get 39 extra laff points, three gag pouch upgrades, three jellybean jar upgrades, teleport access, and an entire cog disguise (or three, depending on how you view it)! This is a lot of progression, and even in the sense of a speedrun, will be extremely long.

However, whether intentional or not, the original task designers come to the rescue here! They separated Donald's Dreamland's tasks into four (we'll get to the difference between part 3 and four) different sections, where you have to complete all the tasks from one part before you can get any from the next part. This is super nice for speedrunning, as we can just use these sections as different categories.

So, let me clarify & specify what each part involves.

Note: If you'd like more information on these tasks, I used the Toontown Wiki & the Toontown Rewritten Wiki as sources for my research. If you have personally gone through these tasks on ODS, and have the information documented, please contact me if some of this is wrong for ODS, and I will correct it accordingly.

Toontown Wiki: https://toontown.fandom.com/wiki/ToonTask_Guide/Donald's_Dreamland

Toontown Rewritten Wiki: https://toontownrewritten.fandom.com/wiki/Donald's_Dreamland_ToonTasks

Donald's Dreamland Part 1 -Carry 60 Gags -Carry 150 Jellybeans -Teleport Access to Donald's Dreamland -+1 Laff Point -+2 Laff Points -+3 Laff Points -+4 Laff Points -Cashbot Upper Left Leg -Cashbot Lower Left Leg -Cashbot Left Foot

Part 1 is pretty simple, just consisting of 10 tasks, all of which are specific visit tasks

Donald's Dreamland Part 2 -Carry 70 Gags -Carry 200 Jellybeans -+1 Laff Point -+2 Laff Points -+3 Laff Points -+4 Laff Points -Cashbot Upper Right Leg -Cashbot Lower Right Leg -Cashbot Right Foot -Cashbot Pelvis -Cashbot Upper Torso -Cashbot Upper Left Arm -Cashbot Lower Left Arm -Cashbot Upper Right Arm -Cashbot Lower Right Arm

Part 2 finishes off the Cashbot suit, but has substantially more tasks than Part 1. All of the tasks that are in Italics (slanted, like this) are random tasks, meaning it won't involve visiting someone, and may just be a "Defeat 200 Cogs" or something of that type.

Donald's Dreamland Part 3 Part 3 is where things get a bit more confusing. The Toontown Wiki says that there are only 3 Parts, while the TTR Wiki says there are 4 Parts. I believe there are functionally 4 Parts, but "Part 3" (if classifying it as 4 parts) only consists of 4 tasks, so for all functional purposes for speedrunning, all of "Part 3 and 4" will be called Part 3. The tasks in Part 3 are:

-Carry 80 Gags -Carry 250 Jellybeans -+1 Laff Point -+1 Laff Point -+2 Laff Points -+2 Laff Points -+3 Laff Points -+3 Laff Points -+3 Laff Points -+4 Laff Points

Please note that all of these tasks are random tasks.

That's all for the different parts of Donald's Dreamland's Tasks. Some people consider the Labwbot & Bossbot Suits (and on ODS the Cashbot, Lawbot, and Bossbot Easy Promo Papers) to be part of the Dreamland tasks, but this is not the case. Donald's Dreamland's Tasks end when you've reached 100 Laff (subtracting bonus laff), can carry 80 gags, and can carry 250 jellybeans.

----Why separate Donald's Dreamland speedruns into 3 separate Categories?----

As mentioned before, there are a lot of Donald's Dreamland tasks (35 to be exact), and each of these tasks is long in it's own right. As such, completing a speedrun of all of this would be monumental, especially since the rules do not allow for breaks or pausing of the timer (with the exception of crashes).

Separating it into multiple Parts, each as their own run better allows for runs of Donald's Dreamland to be completed (i.e. look at how Megasnoop did runs of DDL Part & Part 2 on TTR, even though the runs were unofficial due to TTR's board not having a Donald's Dreamland category. Source: & ).

Now, it will still probably be a while before anyone actually completes a run for these categories, but that's okay.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out, and I'd be happy to assist you.

Thanks so much for reading this monster of a forum post, and I hope you have a wonderful time with ODS speedrunning!


Editado por o autor 1 year ago
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