Slight Change to the TTC Solo Rules
3 years ago
United States

EDIT (November 11th, 2022): I would like to clarify (since I failed to in the title when I originally made this thread) that this was a proposed rule change that I made prior to becoming a mod.

However, I am now a mod, and want to make this change, so please refer to the new forum post for the full rule change regarding this matter.

Please refer to the rules on the category board if you face confusion about the rules, or feel free to reach out to me directly via Discord or Twitter, both linked on my profile.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for checking out ODS speedrunning!!

---------------Original Post---------------- As we all know, "Make a Friend" is one of the early tasks in the TTC taskline. On another server, say TTR, this won't be that challenging, as you can pretty consistently find another player in TTC to friend to complete this task.

However, since ODS is in the state that it is in, where there isn't a super consistent or growing community, it can be challenging to find someone to friend for this task.

With that in mind, this is what I propose for a rule change to the TTC Solo Rules: -You are allowed to have a friend or an alt be waiting in ToonHQ in TTC in the district you are in, in order to complete the "Make a Friend" Toontask. -After friending this other toon, and turning in the task, you must immediately unfriend them and return to fully solo gameplay. -This other toon may not help you in any manner whatsoever, except for being the toon to assist you in completing the "Make a Friend" Toontask.

This change would allow TTC Solo runs to be viable to complete, without having an insane roadblock of, what is essentially complete RNG, only a few minutes into the run.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this makes sense. Let me know if you'd like any further explanation of my proposed rule change.


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