Any% Console Route
Any% Console Route
Atualizado 3 years ago por PowderySpace

This guide doesn't cover the entire run as we keep it as close to the PC Any% as possible, it will instead explain the main differences that console has to the PC route.

Refer to to the speedrun glitches guide for a more in depth explanation on each glitch:

Primary Glitches:

Save Load (SL) Clip/Skip:

Works the same way as the PC run just using the pause menu to SL instead of QSQL.

Block Boosting: 

This is the primary replacement for Speed Cripple, during the long traveling sections we try and chain each block boost together in succession, for each one you miss its a small time loss.

Stop Hopping:

Works the same as on PC however when chaining multiple together there is a small slow down when landing due to having to use the analog stick to move.

Bunny Hopping:

Start off by either Block Boosting or Stop Hopping and then just as your about to hit the ground whilst holding forward there are a few frames where you can press jump again, if you timed it right you will launch with the same velocity as the first jump which is the Block Boost/Stop Hop canceling out the need to block or turn the camera.

Route Differences:

Route Notes:

  • Saving and loading is used a lot during the run, while it is initially quicker to make a new save each time, the more saves you have the more game will slow down. This can be avoided by using one save file making the process slightly slower but avoiding the game slowing down. 
  • Block Boosting is heavily relied on during the run, this is because there isn't a consistent way to achieve Speed Cripple on consoles (that is known of atleast) but it is said to be possible.

This guide is a work in progress and will be updated as improvements are made to the run.

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